Thursday, July 18, 2019

Daniel Sheehan at the UFO Congress 2001


"We have been struck upon the cheek by people who perceive themselves as having been offended and having been unjustly oppressed and victimized by us. This is the hardest time for us to look inside ourselves and come to grips with what it is that we know that we have done to contribute to this. And if, in fact, we are capable of finding THAT SPECIAL QUALITY that exists in our species and rising to this occasion. And forgiving not only those who have assaulted us but coming to understand why it is by their likes they did this. Coming to understand what it is that we have done that may well have been understandably perceived by them as justifying what they did to us. And at the same time forgiving ourselves for having done it. And the only sign of true contrition is penance. And penance requires doing something about it. To make a change. Not simply a physical assault for this conduct. To rise above that in that special moment of temptation and to find within ourselves the spiritual capacity to rise above the instinct for revenge and anger and retaliation. Because if, in fact, we can find that place in us which exists and abides in all of us as a species. If we can find that place. Not only will we surprise our adversary. Not only will we disarm this major potential calamity that we are in the present process of potentially bringing down upon ourselves. But we can, in fact, rise above that temptation and we can show that we have a capacity that makes us not only worthy to sit on The Galactic Council as full equals to any other species in this civilization. But it will make us a party sought after. It will make us the most important people on that panel who have learned how to preserve our ability to love and to hate and to fear and to know what vengeance is. But at the same time, without having to quell that in our being, without having to suppress it, without having to breed it out of our species, and therefore be wanting this in the future. We can, in fact, learn to control this and to keep it in check and to keep it as an asset. But to overcome it at the darkest moment. "

And then. Then. We will not have to sit and wait for them to come to us. 'Please. Will you please come to us on our own terms? Can't you come down and help us out here?'

We, in fact, will be sought out from every corner of the galaxy to participate in The Federation. To share with them the insights of how you can at one in the same time love and forgive and still be capable of great other passions. That is the challenge that we are called to today. That is the possibilities that are before us today. And I ask you to not only join with us but to reach out to all of your brothers and sisters and to share with them what it is that you uniquely know. What it is that causes you to be here this weekend. Not out shopping. Not out at ballgames. Not just out entertaining yourself. But coming here together today because you come here to listen to one message and one message primarily. And that is: How is it that I can use the unique thing that I know to help my species grow and evolve and become saved?"
Daniel Sheehan

Daniel Sheehan's dedication and passion have put him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our lifetimes:

The Wounded Knee Case
The Watergate Burglary Case
The Three-Mile Island Case
The Pentagon Papers Case
The Karen Silkwood Case
The John Mack Case
The Iran-Contra Affair Case
The Greensboro Massacre Case
The American Sanctuary Movement Case

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