Published on May 19, 2015
Anomalous Experiences and the Transformation of Consciousness is one of the final presentations related to alien encounters given by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack.
We at the Message Company are sad to report that our founder James Berry passed and moved into higher consciousness on September 23, 2008. Click Here to read more and to post your comments or remembrances of James.
We joyfully announce that James' vision and legacy will continue and expand as Ken and Marcia Berry (James' brother and sister in law) will now lead the Message Company's dedicated team going forward.
Recorded October 25, 2002 at the International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness, Albuquerque, NM.
The original synopsis of the lecture: "UFO encounters, near death experiences, shamanic journeys, and spontaneous religious epiphanies all have the power to bring about a significant transformation of consciousness. By this is meant that the experiencers’ worldview, as internalized in the course of their upbringing and inculcation in this culture, is shattered. This, in turn, results in the potential opening of heart and spirit to a wider appreciation of reality and a (re)connection to realms of the sacred and divine. In this lecture I will discuss how this process occurs in specific cases, and its implications for social and cultural change."
This recording was previously available on video cassette from The Message Company (out of business in 2008 following death of its owner). We have made efforts to trace whoever the rights may have been passed down to; please contact us if you have any information
Recording: © 2002 The Message Company
Content: © 2002 John E. Mack, M.D.
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Lake monsters, Yetis, UFOs, crop circles, guardian angels and visions of the Virgin Mary can all be described as apparitions, and this book weaves together an account of them. It argues that only in the last three centuries or so, and only in Western culture, they're as lively as ever. But, the author suggests, they can be made intelligible again by appealing to a different world-view. Three of the chief models for understanding mind and world are Jung's "Collective World", which is used to illuminate the links between the apparently disparate experiences being dealt with.
We at the Message Company are sad to report that our founder James Berry passed and moved into higher consciousness on September 23, 2008. Click Here to read more and to post your comments or remembrances of James.
We joyfully announce that James' vision and legacy will continue and expand as Ken and Marcia Berry (James' brother and sister in law) will now lead the Message Company's dedicated team going forward.
Recorded October 25, 2002 at the International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness, Albuquerque, NM.
The original synopsis of the lecture: "UFO encounters, near death experiences, shamanic journeys, and spontaneous religious epiphanies all have the power to bring about a significant transformation of consciousness. By this is meant that the experiencers’ worldview, as internalized in the course of their upbringing and inculcation in this culture, is shattered. This, in turn, results in the potential opening of heart and spirit to a wider appreciation of reality and a (re)connection to realms of the sacred and divine. In this lecture I will discuss how this process occurs in specific cases, and its implications for social and cultural change."
This recording was previously available on video cassette from The Message Company (out of business in 2008 following death of its owner). We have made efforts to trace whoever the rights may have been passed down to; please contact us if you have any information
Recording: © 2002 The Message Company
Content: © 2002 John E. Mack, M.D.

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Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld Hardcover – January 1, 2003
Product details
- Hardcover: 329 pages
- Publisher: Pine Winds Press; 1 edition (January 1, 2003)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0937663093
- ISBN-13: 978-0937663097
It's the summer of 1989, a time of global flux just before the collapse of the Berlin wall and of South Africa's apartheid; a time of signs and portents…
Two women see something uncanny in the skies over west London.
Maeve, the wife of the local vicar, finds she has lost nearly an hour of her life. In search of this lost time, she uncovers the memory of an encounter with aliens and, worse, a mysterious event from her childhood in Ireland, which she finally redeems in the underworld of an IRA-connected pub…
Her husband Alistair has his own nightmare: preparations for the visit of an African bishop and his entourage for a Christian conference, whose left-wing agenda is threatened by the attendance of a famous and enigmatic nun…
Meanwhile, Heather's sighting comes as a revelation that leads her, like a questing Grail knight, through strange ordeals, from a menacing cult to an alternate reality; from a mental hospital to, finally, an encounter with her own hidden depths.
A companion volume to the author's critically lauded Daimonic Reality, a classic nonfiction study of otherworld journeys, The Good People is a modern fairy tale that dramatizes with wit the interweaving of revelation and delusion, the natural and the supernatural, worldliness and sanctity―ultimately suggesting that our humdrum lives are shadowed by the alien dimension of myth.
Maccabee received a B.S. in physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass., and then at American University, Washington, DC, (M.S. and Ph.D. in physics). In 1972 he began his career at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland; which later became the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. Dr. Maccabee retired from government service in 2008. He has worked on optical data processing, generation of underwater sound with lasers and various aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) using high power lasers.[4][5]- ISBN 978-1-56718-493-8 UFO/FBI Connection (paperback, 2000)
- ISBN 978-0-380-78599-5 UFOs Are Real: Here's the Proof (paperback, 1997)
- ISBN 978-1-56065-093-5 Could UFO's Be Real (library binding, 1991)
- ISBN 978-0-9618082-0-4 Melbourne Episode: Case Study of a Missing Pilot (paperback, 1987)
- ISBN 978-1-893183-28-5 Abduction In My Life: A Novel of Alien Encounters (paperback, 2001)
Recent articles[edit]
- "Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 8, #3, 347, 1994 abstract
- "Water Spout UFO Photographed," MUFON UFO Journal, Nov. 1994
- "The Arnold Phenomenon," January/February and March/April issues of the International UFO Reporter (CUFOS), 1995
- "Raining on Sagan's Parade," MUFON UFO Journal, January, 1996 portions of article
- "The White Sands Films," International UFO Reporter, (CUFOS) Vol. 21, #1, Spring, 1996 The White Sands Proof article
- "Illegitimate Science? A Personal Story," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10, #2, 269, 1996 abstract
- "Acceleration," Proceedings of the International MUFON Symposium, 1996 article
- "The Nightline UFO Video," MUFON UFO Journal, Dec. 1996 related article
- "The First Sighting," Proceedings of the International MUFON Symposium, 1997
- "UFOs, the Real Thing or the Wrong Impression," Shutterbug Magazine, Aug. & Sept. 1997
- "My Mission from the Ashtar Command," International UFO Reporter, Winter, 1997–1998
- "Preliminary Report on the Mexico City Video of August 6, 1997," MUFON UFO Journal, April, 1998
- "Flying Peanut or Double UFO," MUFON UFO Journal, January, 1999
- "Phoenix Lights Revisited," MUFON UFO Journal, Feb. 1999
- "Immediate High Alert: The Mystery of December 6, 1960," Proceedings of the 1999 MUFON International Symposium. (this latter is the 100th published research paper on UFOs)
- "Optical Power Output of an Unidentified High Altitude Light Source," published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 13, #2, 1999 article
- "Atmosphere or UFO," Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 13, #3, 1999 abstract article
- "Prosaic Explanations, the Failure of UFO Skepticism," Infinite Energy Magazine, Issue #29, 2000; complete version in the Proceedings of the International MUFON Symposium, 2000; Updated version in UFO Magazine November and December, 2007
- "UFO detected by thermal imager," MUFON UFO Journal, January, 2007
- "Skylab 3 UFO Sighting and Photo Analysis," at [2] December, 2007
Dr. Maccabee has been interviewed by print, radio and TV media numerous times since 1978. He has also appeared in a number of documentaries. Here are some of the more recent:
- A Current Affair TV show, April 1992
- Unsolved Mysteries (Guardian case), Feb. 1993
- Fred Fiske Radio Show on National Public Radio (Feb. 93 repeated twice during the year)
- Sonya Live on CNN, July, 1993
- WHAG Radio in Hagerstown (12 appearances as of summer 1996)
- Area 2000 Radio Show (Art Bell) in Las Vegas (summer 1993)
- WHPK in Chicago (Oct., 1993)
- Encounters TV Show (Feb. 1994)
- Dreamland Radio Show (June, 1994)
- Central TV in London (interviewed, summer, 1994)
- Sightings (Sep. 1994)
- Kiviat-Green productions - Aug., 1995
- Italian TV interview in San Marino (Sept., 1995)
- A&E TV documentary, Where are all the UFOs, shown April, 1996
- Four Point Productions for The Learning Channel
- Fox TV Special on Aliens landing (Independence Day movie tie-in)
- Nightline TV show, July 16, 1996
- Transmedia Productions of Paramount House, London, first shown in the fall 1996
- London Weekend Television, shown in the fall,1996
- Discovery Channel, UFOs Down to Earth, Dec. 1996
- Discovery Channel, UFO - Reason to Believe, 1996 (video)
- Sightings, January, 1997
- Fox TV Best Video Evidence, August, 1997
- The "Zoh Show" and 20th Century Radio with Zoh and Bob Heironimus on WCBM radio in Baltimore numerous times, 1997–1998
- The John Koon Radio Show, Radio South Africa, Dec. 1997
- Twentieth Century Radio with Bob Heironimus, March, 1999
- Top Ten Unexplained Mysteries, The Learning Channel, Jan. 2000
- The Julie Briggs Show on WMTR Radio, January, 2000
- The Tex-Files TV show of Fox4 News, February, 2000
- Fox TV Best Video Evidence, Part 2, May, 2000
- Mike Seigel Show, June, 2000
- Radio 630CHED, Edmonton, Alberta, July, 2000
- CBS TV affiliate, Edmonton Alberta, July, 2000
- Safespace - Fastwalkers - Winter 2006
- The Paracast, Radio Show, 24 June 2007
- Missing 411 : The Hunted (David Paulides' research into the missing), July 2019
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