Monday, September 18, 2017

Nazis on the Run: How Hitler's Henchmen Fled Justice Reprint Edition by Gerald Steinacher

Nazis on the Run: How Hitler's Henchmen Fled Justice Reprint Edition

In Nazis on the Run, historian Gerald Steinacher provides the true story of how the Nazis escaped their fate. Drawing on extensive research in newly opened archives, Steinacher not only reveals how Nazi war criminals escaped from justice at the end of the Second World War, fleeing through the Tyrolean Alps to Italian seaports, but he also highlights the key roles played by the Red Cross, the Vatican, and the Secret Services of the major powers. The book takes a hard look at the International Committee of the Red Cross, proving that identification papers issued by the Red Cross made it possible for thousands of Nazis, war criminals, and collaborators--including Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengale--to slip through the hands of justice and to find refuge in North and South America, Spain, and the Near East. Steinacher underscores the importance of the South Tyrol as a "ratline" from Germany to Italy and also reveals that many leaders of the Catholic Church--sometimes knowingly, other times unwittingly--were involved in large-scale Nazi smuggling, often driven by the fear of an imminent communist takeover of Italy. Finally, the book documents how the Counter Intelligence Corps (the predecessor to the CIA) recruited former SS men to advise U.S. intelligence agencies and smuggled them out of Soviet-occupied areas of Austria and Eastern Europe into Italy and on to South America.

  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (October 25, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0199642451
  • ISBN-13: 978-0199642458



Faith & Fratricide



Excerpts and outline of the text:


1.       Pagan Anti-Judaism as a Factor in Christian Anti-Judaism: In this first section Reuther discusses how pagan conversion to Christianity is often touted as the sole cause for anti-Semitism in the Church. However, Reuther differentiates between pagan anti-Semitism and the new anti-Semitism which is cultivated in early Christianity and quite independent from pagan influences.
  • “Since the pagans objected to Judaism primarily because of its exclusiveness and its condemnation of all other religions as idolatry, these objections could not be taken over by a Christianity which shared the same Jewish attitudes of intolerance.” (p.29)
  • “Hatred between groups who have no stake in a common stock of religiously sanctioned identity symbols can scarcely be as virulent as hatred between groups whose relations express a religious form of “sibling rivalry.” (p.30)
2.       Universalizing & Spiritualizing Tensions in Hellenistic Judaism: (p.31-40)
3.       Prophetic & Messianic Tensions in Sectarian Judaism (p.40-48)
4.       The Diabolizing of the Jewish God in Jewish Gnosticism (p.48-52)
5.       The Pharisaic reaction to Hellenistic & Sectarian Judaism after the Fall of the Second Temple
    • “Judaism, after the fall of the temple, did not retreat into ethnocentrism, but continued  to proselytize. It was the laws of the Christian empire, not the dicta of the Pharisees,   that brought to an end the era of Jewish proselytism.” (p.55)
    • “Abraham himself was said to have been the first proselyte and the father of proselytes. The proselyte was fully the equal of the born Jew and indeed especially dear to God’s heart.”
    • “A Jewish Christianity which did not define itself as a new covenant, superseding the historical covenant of Abraham and Moses, but as a renewal standing within the one covenant, adding only the belief that it will be Jesus who will return as the Christ, might have remained as a form of Judaism. Judaism might discipline a Jewish Christian if he tried to make his midrash normative in the ordinary synagogue, but it would not define him as outside the covenant.” (p.56)
    • On page 58 – 59 Reuther discusses how Christianity came to create a myth that connected the fall of the temple to that of the Jews rejection of Jesus as the Christ. Reuther goes on to say that there was never an official Jewish stance during the time of Jesus that would have said he was rejected as the Christ. She details why such a stance did not exist at that time, but how Christians in their later texts made it seem like this was plausible, for their own purposes.
    • “The myth that the early Church confronted an obsolete and sterile Judaism, which had lost its spiritual power, derives from the Christian ideological need to put Judaism behind itself.”(p.62) “The Church was at enmity with this Judaism (of the synagogue, not just of the Old Testament), not because it was obsolete, but because it refused to be obsolete and threatened, again and again, to become compellingly relevant in a way that could call into question the very foundations of the Christian claim. This Judaism was dangerous to the Church because it possessed a viable alternative to the Christian New Testament, and regarded itself as the true and legitimate successor and fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures.” (p.63)


    1.       The “True People of God” and the Rejection of “the Jews” in the Synoptics and Acts
    • Explains why Christians shifted the blame of Jesus’ death from that of the gentile gov’t/politics to that of the Jewish political authorities/tradition. (p.88-89)
    • It is in the Gospels, Acts and Paul that the word Jews becomes a hostile symbol for all that resists and rejects the gospel. (p.99)
    2.       The Philosophizing of Anti-Judaism in Paul, Hebrews, and the Gospel of John (p.95-116)


    1.       The Character of the Patristic Adversus Judeaos Tradition (p.117-123)
    2.       The Rejection of the Jews and the Election of the Gentiles (p.124-149)
    3.       The Inferiority and Spiritual Fulfillment of Jewish Law, Cult, and Scriptural Interpretation
    4.       Theological Polemics and Judaeo-Christian Relations in Patristic Times
    • “Neither Judaism nor Christianity ever confronted the substance of the other’s arguments…So no real dialogue was possible. The rabbis did not discuss the Christian exegesis of particular texts in any detail, because the assumptions of this exegesis were, for them, impossible. The Christian polemicists did little to familiarize themselves with the authentic mind of rabbinic Judaism.” (p.165)


    Chapter looks at how the Church bears substantial responsibility for the tragic history of the Jew in Christendom, which was the foundation upon which political anti-Semitism and the Nazi use of it was erected.
    1. The Jews in the Christian Roman Empire from Constantine to Justinian (p.184-195)
    2. The Jews in Byzantium and the West from the Sixth century to the Crusades (p.195-205)
    3. From the Crusades to Emancipation: The Age of the Ghetto (p.205-214)
    4. From the Enlightenment to the Holocaust: The Failure of Emancipation (p.214-225)


    1. The Schism of Judgment and Promise (p.228-232)
    2. The Schism of Particularism and Universalism (p.233-239)
    3. The Schism of Letter and Spirit (p.239-245)
    4. The Key Issue: Christology (p.246-251)
    5. Toward a New Covenantal Theology (p.251-257)
    6. Education for a New Relationship (p.257-261)
    • Christian biblical scholarship must learn and teach the Jewish line of commentary and interpretation of Hebrew Scripture in midrash.
    • New Testament scholarship must import into its teachings the rabbinic context of the thought of Jesus and Paul and correct the stereotypes of the Pharisees and the Torah which occur in the NT.
    • Church historians should teach the history of the legal and social persecution of Jews in Christendom by ecclesiastical and political rulers, inspired by the myth of Jewish reprobation.
    • Christian theology must question the anti-Judaic side of its redemptive language and ask itself how these formulations can be eliminated from its interpretation of the gospel.
    • Christian seminaries should cultivate face-to-face conversation between faculty and students and the living Jewish religious consciousness. Field education courses should establish contact with rabbinic leadership and Jewish community agencies and work out internships where insight into Jewish concerns may be gained first-hand.
    • Courses on preaching and Christian education must work conscientiously to overcome anti-Judaic language in its hermeneutics and in the educational and liturgical materials which teach Christianity to the people.

    Hubert Wolf

    Hubert Wolf

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Hubert Wolf (born 26 November 1959 in WörtBaden-Württemberg) is a German church historian and professor at the University of Münster.[1] He was awarded a Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize in 2003.
    After his Abitur in 1978, he studied Roman Catholic theology at University of Tübingen and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1985. In 1992 he became professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt, and in 1999 he moved to the University of Münster.
    His books include Pope and Devil: The Vatican's Archives and the Third Reich, a study of the relationship between the Vatican and Adolf Hitler's administration in Germany.[2][3][4] Die Nonnen von Sant'Ambrogio (The Nuns of Sant'Ambrogio, translated into French as Le Vice et la Grâce) describes a 19th-century religious scandal at Sant'Ambrogio della Massima.[1]


    1. Jump up to:a b Weill, Nicolas (3 October 2013). "Les nonnes scandaleuses. "Le Vice et la Grâce", d'Hubert Wolf"Le Monde. Retrieved 11 December 2013.
    2. Jump up^ Connelly, John (February 8, 2011). "In Sheep's Clothing"New Republic. Retrieved 11 December 2013.
    3. Jump up^ Bergen, Doris L. (January 2012). "Speak of the Devil: Hubert Wolf on Pope Pius XI and the Vatican Archives". Harvard Theological Review105 (1): 115–121. doi:10.1017/s0017816011000551.
    4. Jump up^ Jones, Larry Eugene (Winter 2011). "Pope and Devil: The Vatican's Archives and the Third Reich, Hubert Wolf (book review)". Holocaust and Genocide Studies25 (3): 466–468. doi:10.1093/hgs/dcr046.

    1.  Connelly, John (February 8, 2011). "In Sheep's Clothing"New Republic. Retrieved 11 December 2013.
    2. Jump up^ Bergen, Doris L. (January 2012). "Speak of the Devil: Hubert Wolf on Pope Pius XI and the Vatican Archives". Harvard Theological Review105 (1): 115–121. doi:10.1017/s0017816011000551.
    3. Jump up^ Jones, Larry Eugene (Winter 2011). "Pope and Devil: The Vatican's Archives and the Third Reich, Hubert Wolf (book review)". Holocaust and Genocide Studies25 (3): 466–468. doi:10.1093/hgs/dcr046.


    Professor of Theology  University of Notre Dame

    4   enigmas
    ·         Relationship to the law
    ·         Parables of Jesus
    ·         References to self-riddles
    ·         Crucifixion
    Halachic teachings   on divorce (strict patterned after house of Shammai
    The temple
    Yet loyalty to Mosaic Torah a given
    The presentiment of his Davidic descent and cleansing of the temple
    Identified as being a Pharisee
    Silent treatment in the gospels on his celibate standing—strange response from Jesus  in Mt 19  on some self-made eunuchs for sake of the Kgm of Heaven’s sake   strange saying where does it derive from and for what purpose is the addendum “for those who can accept it,
    This saying never commented on again by the church fathers or other commentators
    1.       ISSUE OF HIS CELIBACY    silence in the Gospels- historical and other contexts on this silence
    2.       Qumran and Josephus’ description of Essenes , Philo’s description of the Therapeutae
    3.       Minority tradition in Judaism on the question of celibacy
    4.       Many women traveled with him during hi9s ministry
    Spinner of Parables

    Violent images

    Drink my blood and eat my flesh

    4   enigmas
    ·         Relationship to the law
    ·         Parables of Jesus
    ·         References to self-riddles
    ·         Crucifixion
    Halachic teachings   on divorce (strict patterned after house of Shammai
    The temple
    Yet loyalty to Mosaic Torah a given
    The presentiment of his Davidic descent and cleansing of the temple
    Identified as being a Pharisee
    Silent treatment in the gospels on his celibate standing—strange response from Jesus  in Mt 19  on some self-made eunuchs for sake of the Kgm of Heaven’s sake   strange saying where does it derive from and for what purpose is the addendum “for those who can accept it,
    This saying never commented on again by the church fathers or other commentators
    1.       ISSUE OF HIS CELIBACY    silence in the Gospels- historical and other contexts on this silence
    2.       Qumran and Josephus’ description of Essenes , Philo’s description of the Therapeutae
    3.       Minority tradition in Judaism on the question of celibacy
    4.       Many women traveled with him during hi9s ministry
    Spinner of Parables

    Violent images
    Drink my blood and eat my flesh

    Sunday, September 3, 2017

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons2010 ZONDERVAN ENGLISH (UNABRIDGED) 4H 11M Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons RATE THIS TITLE PLAY by Edwin Robertson read by Tom Parks "The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, who look forward to something greater to come. For these, it is enough to wait in humble fear until the Holy One himself comes down to us, God in the child in the manger. God comes. The Lord Jesus comes. Christmas comes. Christians rejoice!" -Dietrich Bonhoeffer Executed by the Nazis for his complicity in a plot to assassinate Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer remains with us today through his writings-far-reaching ripples of deep thought, passionate words, and unflinching character. Including biographical insights, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons spans Bonhoeffer's seventeen years as a preacher. This collection of vintage sermons and writings searches out the power and mystery of the Christmas season: its joyous riches and its implications for our lives. Also available Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Prison Poems Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Meditations on Psalms

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons

    4H 11M
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons
    read by Tom Parks
    "The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, who look forward to something greater to come. For these, it is enough to wait in humble fear until the Holy One himself comes down to us, God in the child in the manger. God comes. The Lord Jesus comes. Christmas comes. Christians rejoice!" -Dietrich Bonhoeffer Executed by the Nazis for his complicity in a plot to assassinate Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer remains with us today through his writings-far-reaching ripples of deep thought, passionate words, and unflinching character. Including biographical insights, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons spans Bonhoeffer's seventeen years as a preacher. This collection of vintage sermons and writings searches out the power and mystery of the Christmas season: its joyous riches and its implications for our lives. Also available Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Prison Poems Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Meditations on Psalms2010
    4H 11M
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons
    read by Tom Parks
    "The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, who look forward to something greater to come. For these, it is enough to wait in humble fear until the Holy One himself comes down to us, God in the child in the manger. God comes. The Lord Jesus comes. Christmas comes. Christians rejoice!" -Dietrich Bonhoeffer Executed by the Nazis for his complicity in a plot to assassinate Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer remains with us today through his writings-far-reaching ripples of deep thought, passionate words, and unflinching character. Including biographical insights, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christmas Sermons spans Bonhoeffer's seventeen years as a preacher. This collection of vintage sermons and writings searches out the power and mystery of the Christmas season: its joyous riches and its implications for our lives. Also available Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Prison Poems Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Meditations on Psalms

    Friday, September 1, 2017

    The Valhalla Exchange

    A journalist tracks escaped Nazi Martin Bormann in this WWII thriller from the New York Times–bestselling author of The Eagle Has Landed and Rain on the Dead.

    In 1945, as the Allies closed in on war-raged Berlin, avHitler’s personal secretary, Martin Bormann, made his escape. Since that fateful day, Bormann’s story has been shrouded in mystery.
    Thirty-one years later, a journalist has begun to finally piece together Bormann’s cunning getaway. His electrifying investigation exposes the unwitting role of five Allied POWs in Bormann’s escape plot as the Nazi regime crumbled. Now, with help from a surviving POW, this journalist follows history’s twists and turns to a final, shocking conclusion.

    Product details

    • File Size: 2062 KB
    • Print Length: 208 pages
    • Publisher: Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller (June 22, 2010)
    • Publication Date: June 22, 2010
    • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B00AG8HLAI
    • Jack Higgins
    The Valhalla Exchange by [Higgins, Jack]


    WUNDERKINDER tells a tale of three exceptionally musically talented children, who develop a deep and genuine friendship, extending beyond their different religions and nationalities. The two Jewish children Larissa and Abrascha are both virtuosos - one on the piano and the other on the violin. Hanna, a young German girl, is also extremely gifted. Living in Poltava/Ukraine in 1941, they all share one great love: music. Their world is one of curiosity, joy and talent. But when the Nazis invade the Soviet Union, they and their families face mortal peril. Due to the insanity of grown-ups at home and abroad, their world is turned upside down, and they are suddenly no longer allowed to be friends.
    subtitle language English
    dubbed language NONE