Roger May
bk written on this film which appeared on you tube
Rory Kennedy,
A committed activist, Kennedy continues to fight for social justice and human rights. She maintains an active speaking schedule and recently has been the keynote speaker for various lecture series, university events, and community organization functions. Kennedy lives in Los Angeles with her husband and 3 children
Kennedy is a Governor of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. A graduate of Brown University, she majored in Women’s Studies. Along with acclaimed documentary filmmaker Liz Garbus, she is co-founder of Moxie Firecracker Film in New York and Los Angeles.
Her other projects include Bobby Fisher Against the World (2011), Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech (2009) and The Fence (2010). Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, and she’s appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Today Show, CNN and NPR.
Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
Street Fight
Last Days in Vietnam,
Killing in the Name
Take Every Wave
- by Rory Kennedy, sister of Robert Kennedy Jr,who was the son of Robert Kennedy,John and Bobby Kennedy campaigned in Appalachia and Rory lived there 1 year with the Bowling family pf Saul,Kentucky.
- Bobby's son Robert Jr was an environment advocate that opposed surface mining.
- Issues of the film brought to the fore: poverty welfare & violence-not black and white issues-they never are -complexity of issues and people-.We tend to generalize and marginalize issues in our ignorance intentionally or not.
- Info on book 128 black & white photos Bullfinch Press 1999 Rory Kennedy-made p[owerful connection with the Bowlings. We expect hillbillies w/breeds & moonshine.
- An America more backwards than backwoods-they had a sense of dignity and pride as they survived life in this forgotten corner of America.
- Book's forward- Robert Coles distinguished Harvard professor and Pulitzer prize winning author ,founding member for Center for Documentation & studies at Duke University, co founder of Double Take Magazine w/Alex Harris. Info in this forward : a. We take notice of Appalachia b. thereby connected in mind and heart c. to a people both proud and vulnerable d. who at a distinct remove from us, e. salute the same flag and speak the same language
- worked in Appalachia as a young physician -lasting impression.
- Iree matriarch a. birthed and raised 13 children-did everything there was to be done on family land. "I feel like I'm rich ,rich as the Lord wants me to be. " Worked to care for her family. Ithink she knows her way of life won't survive much longer.(Rory)
- Interviews conducted by Mark Bailey are masterful and work well & in concert w/Steve Lehman's photographs , yet his name was absent from the cover of the book. This bothers Cory to no end.
- (Steve Lehman or Roger May) Side notes a. I met Rory at the Full Frame Film Festival in Durham,NC in 2010, after screening of the film & she signed my copy of American Hollow a few mo's earlier. ". I photographed her b ro. Robert Kennedy Jr a debate with Don Blankenship ,former Massey Energy CEO in Charleston W VA
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