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Why Are There No More Prophets?

The Talmud explains that with the death of the latter prophets Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi at the very beginning of the Second Temple era, “the spirit of prophecy departed.”1 Why did that happen?
Maimonides: Lack of Joy
The Talmud states, “Prophecy does not come upon a prophet when he is sad or languid.”2Maimonides (1105-1204) in his Guide for the Perplexed explains that every faculty of a person's body at times grows weak and at other times is healthy. The “imaginative faculty,” through which the prophet receives prophecy, is no different than the other faculties. Prophets were thus unable to prophesy when they mourned, were angry, or were similarly affected, as can be seen with Jacob when he mourned Joseph’s perceived death. This, Maimonides explains, is the “primary reason” why prophecy ceased during the time of exile. For what could bring a person to sadness more than being in servitude to sinful nations?3
Although prophecy departed at the beginning of the Second Temple period, when the Jewish people were technically not exiled, they were beholden to foreign governments.
Others disagree with Maimonides’ designation of prophecy as a mere “faculty of the body.”4 Instead, it is seen as a divine gift. Thus, on an individual level, “prophecy does not rest amidst sadness,” but prophecy does not rest on the on the nation as a whole due to the wickedness of their deeds. As G‑d says about such a time of spiritual failings, “I hid My face from them.”5
Prophecy: Counterbalance to Idolatry
On a more positive note, Rabbi Judah the Pious (1150-1217) explains that the spirit of prophecy departed during the Second Temple and subsequent exile (which we are still in) because the passion toward idolatry had ceased. In earlier times, when the idolatrous priests were performing wondrous feats, if G‑d’s prophets wouldn’t have countered them with miraculous feats, all would have turned toward idolatry. However, since idolatry is no longer much of a temptation, there is no longer a need for prophets.6
Did Prophecy Really End?
At first glance, the statement that the spirit of prophecy departed “with the death of the prophets Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi” seems to contradict many other traditions.
We find numerous accounts of sages who were able to perceive beyond that which the eye can see with the divine spirit, such as Rabban Gamliel,7 Rabbi Akiva,8 Rabbi Meir,9 and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.10
As late as the medieval times, we find a number of rabbis, such as Rabbi Ezra the Prophet (Moncontour, France, c. 1230)11 and Rabbi Shmuel the Pious (Speyer, Germany, 12th century),12 who were given the appellation “prophet.” In fact, Maimonides himself, whose explanation for the departure of prophecy was quoted earlier, attests that a contemporary of his predicted a number of future events, which “proved to all that he was most definitely a prophet.”13
So what are we to make of the Talmudic pronouncement that prophecy has departed?
If we read the Talmud carefully, we note that it uses the term “departed” rather than “ceased.” For, in truth, prophecy never totally left; rather, it was no longer as commonplace as it had been in earlier generations. Yet, there remained exceptional individuals who did experience prophecy, albeit not on the level of biblical prophets.14
Preparing for the Messianic Era
The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, explains that this is a crucial step in readying the world for the messianic era. During the age of the biblical prophets, there were wondrous miracles, but the effect on one who witnessed such revelations wasn’t necessarily internalized and lasting. Whatever spiritual awakening came about was almost forced by the magnitude of the revelation.
The Second Temple period, when open miracles and prophecy were diminished, was a time for the Jewish people to mature and come close to G‑d—not from some sort of imposed revelation, but rather from within their own selves. The same can be said, to an even greater degree, about the time of exile—without revelations, we must seek out a connection with G‑d, which comes from a deeper place within ourselves.
On the other hand, although witnessing prophecy has the shortcoming of being an “imposed” spiritual awakening, it does have the benefit of being a powerful, tangible experience of G‑d’s eminence.
These two stages are a preparation for the messianic era, when both of these aspects will be combined. On the one hand, we will experience palatable wonders and prophecy with all of our senses. But at the same time, our connection to the divine will be a natural, unimposed experience.
As the prophet Joel proclaims,15 “And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy . . .”16
May it be speedily in our days!
Talmud, Yoma 9b, Sanhedrin 11a, Sotah 48b.
Talmud, Shabbat 30b.
Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed 2:36.
Abarbanel in his commentary on the Guide for the Perplexed 2:36.
Sefer Chassidim 544.
Talmud, Eruvin 64b.
Midrash, Vayikra Rabbah 21:8.
Jerusalem Talmud, Sotah 1:4.
Jerusalem Talmud, Shevi’it 9:1.
See Tosafot on Talmud Gitin 88a
See responsum from Rabbi Sholomo Lura, Maharshal 29.
See Maimonides’ Letter to Yemen (this part is missing in some editions).
Rabbi Reuven Margolis in his introduction to Sha’alot Uteshuvot Min Hashamayim; see also Likkutei Sichot, vol. 14, p. 73.
See Likkutei Sichot, vol. 20, p. 97, fn. 63; vol. 17, p. 94, fn. 20; and p. 97, fn. 34.
Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin responds to questions for's Ask the Rabbi service.
Sefira Ross is a freelance designer and illustrator whose original creations grace many pages. Residing in Seattle, Washington, her days are spent between multitasking illustrations and being a mom.
© Copyright, all rights reserved. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with's copyright policy.
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Why are there no more ProphetsWhat? Idolatry is no longer much of a temptation so there is no longer a need for Prophets? I totally disagree. We live in a world full of idolatry. Idolatry does not only have to do with the worship of other gods. It has to do with breaking the Law of G-d. Think of David when he committed murder and adultery, think of King Saul, think of Ahab. I can go on and on. God send them Prophets to show how they had broken His laws. Prophets were sent by Elohim to show the nation and individuals how sin abides in their inward heart. "Our sins do affect one another." Outwardly one can look so pious, inwardly it's a different song.
G-d still speaks today, whether we acknowledge it or not. G-d is speaking today through His eternal Torah, Haftarah and writings. Joel is still speaking the message of G-d. Isaiah is still speaking, Moses is still speaking. Did we listen to the message of the Prophets of old? Even when He sent a new Prophet we did not heed His word.
G-d still speaks today, whether we acknowledge it or not. G-d is speaking today through His eternal Torah, Haftarah and writings. Joel is still speaking the message of G-d. Isaiah is still speaking, Moses is still speaking. Did we listen to the message of the Prophets of old? Even when He sent a new Prophet we did not heed His word.
Chabad rabbis have said that 'lesser prophecy' still exists in dreams for example, in various things that are actually divinely inspired,including in people's creative works.
Moshiach himself is supposed to have remote viewing, remote sensing, psychic abilities, an extra sensory perception. Professor Targ at the Stanford Research Institute was a military contractor who worked with N.A.S.A. and documented that those types of phenomena can exist; Dr. Targ, a physics PhD gave some TED talks about the subject which can be seen on youtube.
Rabbi Schneerson had some of such abilities including in his dream interpretation abilities.
Moshiach himself is supposed to have remote viewing, remote sensing, psychic abilities, an extra sensory perception. Professor Targ at the Stanford Research Institute was a military contractor who worked with N.A.S.A. and documented that those types of phenomena can exist; Dr. Targ, a physics PhD gave some TED talks about the subject which can be seen on youtube.
Rabbi Schneerson had some of such abilities including in his dream interpretation abilities.
Good people like Daniel were given prophecy but by themselves are not prophets. The prophet was a spokesperson of Hashem.
It was not about a prediction of the future but about delivering devar Hashem.
Some of our sages achieved the level of RHK and that as high as it gets.
But Hashem yitbarach shmo has messengers that he sent that can deliver the message.
But we can remember that during time when we were slaves to pharaoh and did avoda zara (practiced idolatry), Hashem raised us a prophet Moshe Rabbeinu. So can be any day or time.
It was not about a prediction of the future but about delivering devar Hashem.
Some of our sages achieved the level of RHK and that as high as it gets.
But Hashem yitbarach shmo has messengers that he sent that can deliver the message.
But we can remember that during time when we were slaves to pharaoh and did avoda zara (practiced idolatry), Hashem raised us a prophet Moshe Rabbeinu. So can be any day or time.
In answer to the articles headline question. Perhaps the delusion that there are no more prophets derives from people not paying attention and writing them of as 'crackpots'.
True, the prophet in his own eyes feels crazy. So a friend in Israel told me. Being connected to G-d is more normal than anything else. Don't lose hope.
Please include a “like” option. :)
Thank you, this is a thorough explanation. Joel's prophesy about prophesy is something one often tends to forget.
I must politely disagree with this article in regard to there being no more prophets. The "Spirit of prophecy" is at work todayーjust as in times of oldーamong those who have kept the Lord's commandments and sanctified themselves.
Read what Moses said in Numbers 11:24-29. He also clearly states that "If only all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would bestow His spirit upon them!"
We all have the opportunity for the Spirit of prophecy as long as we keep the commandments Lord has given us. Moses knew it and he was correct in telling this to the children of Israel, but most of them failed to live up to their privilege to have the same gift bestowed upon them. The words of truth Moses spoke are as valid for us in 2018 as they were back then.
Read what Moses said in Numbers 11:24-29. He also clearly states that "If only all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would bestow His spirit upon them!"
We all have the opportunity for the Spirit of prophecy as long as we keep the commandments Lord has given us. Moses knew it and he was correct in telling this to the children of Israel, but most of them failed to live up to their privilege to have the same gift bestowed upon them. The words of truth Moses spoke are as valid for us in 2018 as they were back then.
Prophesy" passion toward idolatry had ceased" "since idolatry is no longer much of temptation........."
Unfortunately front of our eyes so many Jews turning toward all the kind of idolatry in many different way, Including "Jews for Jesus" All of us can give here so many example. We are living in a time when the evil go wide.
I am praying that HaShem will give real Prophets and "shake up" the lost Jews and to realize that "Jews light of the nations".
Unfortunately front of our eyes so many Jews turning toward all the kind of idolatry in many different way, Including "Jews for Jesus" All of us can give here so many example. We are living in a time when the evil go wide.
I am praying that HaShem will give real Prophets and "shake up" the lost Jews and to realize that "Jews light of the nations".
II would think Maimonides had meant; Departed, rather than ceased. When the Shekinah moved away, departing from Eretz Yisroayl, the Spirit of Prophecy went with the Jewish people wherever they went, even to the 4 corners.of the Earth.
As it is written, "....if they love Me and keep my Laws, My Name shall abide among the Children of Israel forever, even to the ends of the Earth."
The meaning of 'Imma-nu-el'.
It's been many centuries since that was written, so I can only imagine how far along the Jewish people are now, as a whole.
But I have seen His Light in all of you, and I know He has been with me by the fact that I am alive at all. Blessings to all of you my friends and family. There is much work to be done before The Age arrives.
As it is written, "....if they love Me and keep my Laws, My Name shall abide among the Children of Israel forever, even to the ends of the Earth."
The meaning of 'Imma-nu-el'.
It's been many centuries since that was written, so I can only imagine how far along the Jewish people are now, as a whole.
But I have seen His Light in all of you, and I know He has been with me by the fact that I am alive at all. Blessings to all of you my friends and family. There is much work to be done before The Age arrives.
To the open question about prophesy after the later prophets: This is my opinion only:
In any generation there are many people who seem to get "special" insights that seem miraculous. I think Gd still helps here and there. In the "old days", there were prophets who were ordered by Gd to speak to the population on His behalf. Big difference.
In any generation there are many people who seem to get "special" insights that seem miraculous. I think Gd still helps here and there. In the "old days", there were prophets who were ordered by Gd to speak to the population on His behalf. Big difference.
Many other cultures acknowledge additional prophets. And what is to be said of the delusional? As a mental health professional, I met dozens of "prophets." Most were truly insane, but some gave me at least a tilt of the head. Bringing me to, I suppose my own conclusion, that it's possible prophesy continues to happen, but we are not able to elevate its magnitude above the general din of society - at least not yet.
More imp
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Why Are There No More Prophets?

The Talmud explains that with the death of the latter prophets Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi at the very beginning of the Second Temple era, “the spirit of prophecy departed.”1 Why did that happen?
Maimonides: Lack of Joy
The Talmud states, “Prophecy does not come upon a prophet when he is sad or languid.”2Maimonides (1105-1204) in his Guide for the Perplexed explains that every faculty of a person's body at times grows weak and at other times is healthy. The “imaginative faculty,” through which the prophet receives prophecy, is no different than the other faculties. Prophets were thus unable to prophesy when they mourned, were angry, or were similarly affected, as can be seen with Jacob when he mourned Joseph’s perceived death. This, Maimonides explains, is the “primary reason” why prophecy ceased during the time of exile. For what could bring a person to sadness more than being in servitude to sinful nations?3
Although prophecy departed at the beginning of the Second Temple period, when the Jewish people were technically not exiled, they were beholden to foreign governments.
Others disagree with Maimonides’ designation of prophecy as a mere “faculty of the body.”4 Instead, it is seen as a divine gift. Thus, on an individual level, “prophecy does not rest amidst sadness,” but prophecy does not rest on the on the nation as a whole due to the wickedness of their deeds. As G‑d says about such a time of spiritual failings, “I hid My face from them.”5
Prophecy: Counterbalance to Idolatry
On a more positive note, Rabbi Judah the Pious (1150-1217) explains that the spirit of prophecy departed during the Second Temple and subsequent exile (which we are still in) because the passion toward idolatry had ceased. In earlier times, when the idolatrous priests were performing wondrous feats, if G‑d’s prophets wouldn’t have countered them with miraculous feats, all would have turned toward idolatry. However, since idolatry is no longer much of a temptation, there is no longer a need for prophets.6
Did Prophecy Really End?
At first glance, the statement that the spirit of prophecy departed “with the death of the prophets Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi” seems to contradict many other traditions.
We find numerous accounts of sages who were able to perceive beyond that which the eye can see with the divine spirit, such as Rabban Gamliel,7 Rabbi Akiva,8 Rabbi Meir,9 and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.10
As late as the medieval times, we find a number of rabbis, such as Rabbi Ezra the Prophet (Moncontour, France, c. 1230)11 and Rabbi Shmuel the Pious (Speyer, Germany, 12th century),12 who were given the appellation “prophet.” In fact, Maimonides himself, whose explanation for the departure of prophecy was quoted earlier, attests that a contemporary of his predicted a number of future events, which “proved to all that he was most definitely a prophet.”13
So what are we to make of the Talmudic pronouncement that prophecy has departed?
If we read the Talmud carefully, we note that it uses the term “departed” rather than “ceased.” For, in truth, prophecy never totally left; rather, it was no longer as commonplace as it had been in earlier generations. Yet, there remained exceptional individuals who did experience prophecy, albeit not on the level of biblical prophets.14
Preparing for the Messianic Era
The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, explains that this is a crucial step in readying the world for the messianic era. During the age of the biblical prophets, there were wondrous miracles, but the effect on one who witnessed such revelations wasn’t necessarily internalized and lasting. Whatever spiritual awakening came about was almost forced by the magnitude of the revelation.
The Second Temple period, when open miracles and prophecy were diminished, was a time for the Jewish people to mature and come close to G‑d—not from some sort of imposed revelation, but rather from within their own selves. The same can be said, to an even greater degree, about the time of exile—without revelations, we must seek out a connection with G‑d, which comes from a deeper place within ourselves.
On the other hand, although witnessing prophecy has the shortcoming of being an “imposed” spiritual awakening, it does have the benefit of being a powerful, tangible experience of G‑d’s eminence.
These two stages are a preparation for the messianic era, when both of these aspects will be combined. On the one hand, we will experience palatable wonders and prophecy with all of our senses. But at the same time, our connection to the divine will be a natural, unimposed experience.
As the prophet Joel proclaims,15 “And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy . . .”16
May it be speedily in our days!
Talmud, Yoma 9b, Sanhedrin 11a, Sotah 48b.
Talmud, Shabbat 30b.
Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed 2:36.
Abarbanel in his commentary on the Guide for the Perplexed 2:36.
Sefer Chassidim 544.
Talmud, Eruvin 64b.
Midrash, Vayikra Rabbah 21:8.
Jerusalem Talmud, Sotah 1:4.
Jerusalem Talmud, Shevi’it 9:1.
See Tosafot on Talmud Gitin 88a
See responsum from Rabbi Sholomo Lura, Maharshal 29.
See Maimonides’ Letter to Yemen (this part is missing in some editions).
Rabbi Reuven Margolis in his introduction to Sha’alot Uteshuvot Min Hashamayim; see also Likkutei Sichot, vol. 14, p. 73.
See Likkutei Sichot, vol. 20, p. 97, fn. 63; vol. 17, p. 94, fn. 20; and p. 97, fn. 34.
Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin responds to questions for's Ask the Rabbi service.
Sefira Ross is a freelance designer and illustrator whose original creations grace many pages. Residing in Seattle, Washington, her days are spent between multitasking illustrations and being a mom.
© Copyright, all rights reserved. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with's copyright policy.
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As I see this issue now, prophecy has not departed, nor ceased rather it has been transformed. Those who declare the G-d's will for an entire nation or for a simple community, are the Rabbis or the Rabbinates.
This idea has left in my mind a doubt; What is the point of studying the Haftarah for each Parshah. Is it merely a historical curiosity?
This idea has left in my mind a doubt; What is the point of studying the Haftarah for each Parshah. Is it merely a historical curiosity?
Why are there no more ProphetsWhat? Idolatry is no longer much of a temptation so there is no longer a need for Prophets? I totally disagree. We live in a world full of idolatry. Idolatry does not only have to do with the worship of other gods. It has to do with breaking the Law of G-d. Think of David when he committed murder and adultery, think of King Saul, think of Ahab. I can go on and on. God send them Prophets to show how they had broken His laws. Prophets were sent by Elohim to show the nation and individuals how sin abides in their inward heart. "Our sins do affect one another." Outwardly one can look so pious, inwardly it's a different song.
G-d still speaks today, whether we acknowledge it or not. G-d is speaking today through His eternal Torah, Haftarah and writings. Joel is still speaking the message of G-d. Isaiah is still speaking, Moses is still speaking. Did we listen to the message of the Prophets of old? Even when He sent a new Prophet we did not heed His word.
G-d still speaks today, whether we acknowledge it or not. G-d is speaking today through His eternal Torah, Haftarah and writings. Joel is still speaking the message of G-d. Isaiah is still speaking, Moses is still speaking. Did we listen to the message of the Prophets of old? Even when He sent a new Prophet we did not heed His word.
Chabad rabbis have said that 'lesser prophecy' still exists in dreams for example, in various things that are actually divinely inspired,including in people's creative works.
Moshiach himself is supposed to have remote viewing, remote sensing, psychic abilities, an extra sensory perception. Professor Targ at the Stanford Research Institute was a military contractor who worked with N.A.S.A. and documented that those types of phenomena can exist; Dr. Targ, a physics PhD gave some TED talks about the subject which can be seen on youtube.
Rabbi Schneerson had some of such abilities including in his dream interpretation abilities.
Moshiach himself is supposed to have remote viewing, remote sensing, psychic abilities, an extra sensory perception. Professor Targ at the Stanford Research Institute was a military contractor who worked with N.A.S.A. and documented that those types of phenomena can exist; Dr. Targ, a physics PhD gave some TED talks about the subject which can be seen on youtube.
Rabbi Schneerson had some of such abilities including in his dream interpretation abilities.
Good people like Daniel were given prophecy but by themselves are not prophets. The prophet was a spokesperson of Hashem.
It was not about a prediction of the future but about delivering devar Hashem.
Some of our sages achieved the level of RHK and that as high as it gets.
But Hashem yitbarach shmo has messengers that he sent that can deliver the message.
But we can remember that during time when we were slaves to pharaoh and did avoda zara (practiced idolatry), Hashem raised us a prophet Moshe Rabbeinu. So can be any day or time.
It was not about a prediction of the future but about delivering devar Hashem.
Some of our sages achieved the level of RHK and that as high as it gets.
But Hashem yitbarach shmo has messengers that he sent that can deliver the message.
But we can remember that during time when we were slaves to pharaoh and did avoda zara (practiced idolatry), Hashem raised us a prophet Moshe Rabbeinu. So can be any day or time.
In answer to the articles headline question. Perhaps the delusion that there are no more prophets derives from people not paying attention and writing them of as 'crackpots'.
True, the prophet in his own eyes feels crazy. So a friend in Israel told me. Being connected to G-d is more normal than anything else. Don't lose hope.
Please include a “like” option. :)
Thank you, this is a thorough explanation. Joel's prophesy about prophesy is something one often tends to forget.
I must politely disagree with this article in regard to there being no more prophets. The "Spirit of prophecy" is at work todayーjust as in times of oldーamong those who have kept the Lord's commandments and sanctified themselves.
Read what Moses said in Numbers 11:24-29. He also clearly states that "If only all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would bestow His spirit upon them!"
We all have the opportunity for the Spirit of prophecy as long as we keep the commandments Lord has given us. Moses knew it and he was correct in telling this to the children of Israel, but most of them failed to live up to their privilege to have the same gift bestowed upon them. The words of truth Moses spoke are as valid for us in 2018 as they were back then.
Read what Moses said in Numbers 11:24-29. He also clearly states that "If only all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would bestow His spirit upon them!"
We all have the opportunity for the Spirit of prophecy as long as we keep the commandments Lord has given us. Moses knew it and he was correct in telling this to the children of Israel, but most of them failed to live up to their privilege to have the same gift bestowed upon them. The words of truth Moses spoke are as valid for us in 2018 as they were back then.
Prophesy" passion toward idolatry had ceased" "since idolatry is no longer much of temptation........."
Unfortunately front of our eyes so many Jews turning toward all the kind of idolatry in many different way, Including "Jews for Jesus" All of us can give here so many example. We are living in a time when the evil go wide.
I am praying that HaShem will give real Prophets and "shake up" the lost Jews and to realize that "Jews light of the nations".
Unfortunately front of our eyes so many Jews turning toward all the kind of idolatry in many different way, Including "Jews for Jesus" All of us can give here so many example. We are living in a time when the evil go wide.
I am praying that HaShem will give real Prophets and "shake up" the lost Jews and to realize that "Jews light of the nations".
II would think Maimonides had meant; Departed, rather than ceased. When the Shekinah moved away, departing from Eretz Yisroayl, the Spirit of Prophecy went with the Jewish people wherever they went, even to the 4 corners.of the Earth.
As it is written, "....if they love Me and keep my Laws, My Name shall abide among the Children of Israel forever, even to the ends of the Earth."
The meaning of 'Imma-nu-el'.
It's been many centuries since that was written, so I can only imagine how far along the Jewish people are now, as a whole.
But I have seen His Light in all of you, and I know He has been with me by the fact that I am alive at all. Blessings to all of you my friends and family. There is much work to be done before The Age arrives.
As it is written, "....if they love Me and keep my Laws, My Name shall abide among the Children of Israel forever, even to the ends of the Earth."
The meaning of 'Imma-nu-el'.
It's been many centuries since that was written, so I can only imagine how far along the Jewish people are now, as a whole.
But I have seen His Light in all of you, and I know He has been with me by the fact that I am alive at all. Blessings to all of you my friends and family. There is much work to be done before The Age arrives.
To the open question about prophesy after the later prophets: This is my opinion only:
In any generation there are many people who seem to get "special" insights that seem miraculous. I think Gd still helps here and there. In the "old days", there were prophets who were ordered by Gd to speak to the population on His behalf. Big difference.
In any generation there are many people who seem to get "special" insights that seem miraculous. I think Gd still helps here and there. In the "old days", there were prophets who were ordered by Gd to speak to the population on His behalf. Big difference.
Many other cultures acknowledge additional prophets. And what is to be said of the delusional? As a mental health professional, I met dozens of "prophets." Most were truly insane, but some gave me at least a tilt of the head. Bringing me to, I suppose my own conclusion, that it's possible prophesy continues to happen, but we are not able to elevate its magnitude above the general din of society - at least not yet.
More imp
This idea has left in my mind a doubt; What is the point of studying the Haftarah for each Parshah. Is it merely a historical curiosity?