Sunday, September 30, 2018

How Do Hopi Indians Know Ancient Aliens Visited Earth [FULL VIDEO]

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I think Maasaw was Christ, not an alien. Maasaw means "messiah". He was described as the "true white brother".  They said he was a white man who was not like other white men. He told them "I am the first and the last." He told them about the United States coming hundreds of years before Europeans came. He told them of the end of the U.S. He told them he would return one day. There are too many similarities to Jesus in this story. Jesus told people of coming events all of the time the first time he was here. He spoke in a very similar fashion. Said the same things.       video  Mind blowing ancient ruins

Zohar, great video and presenter. Why don't you add the name of this man to your video description? David Hatcher Childress. The beginning of the video he says he will tell us something about himself...but his name is never given.

Published on May 23, 2017

From around the world, artifacts have been discovered over the that clearly originate from highly advanced civilisations. This video takes us to the mysterious ruins of the world, looking at ancient technology and the secrets of megalith building. Packed with photos and diagrams, Examines the amazing ancient stonecutting at Puma Punku, a site neighboring the ancient ruins of Tiwanaku near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Did this technology originate in the lost continent of Atlantis.
Demonstrates that the use of "keystone cutting with metal clamps poured into them to secure megalithic construction was an advanced technology used all over the world, from the Andes to Egypt, Greece and Southeast Asia. With the destruction of the ancient libraries of Alexandria and China, the only remaining records of the very ancient past are to be found in India and Tibet. They speak of a golden age when men could fly in fantastic craft that could defy gravity. What happened to these fabulous civilisations?

The ancient Hopi, just like the Maya, were top notch, and pioneering Star gazers, and plotters. This is not a downplay on their accomplishments, it is high praise indeed! The Indigenous wisdom described here is thousands of years ahead of its time!  Orion dominates the winter sky, flanked by Taurus the Bull on one side and Canis the Great Dog on the other—three key constellations for the Hopi and prehistoric Pueblo People of the American Southwest.

When these stars appear in the entryway of the kiva roof, they synchronize the sacred rituals being performed below. Here we see how a complex ceremonial cycle mirrors the turning of the heavens. Stargates, UFOs, Indian Mothman, natural psychedelics, cannibal giants, psychic archaeology, earth chakra lines, and the Hopi-Egyptian connection—this book is packed with fascinating and little-known facts about one of the most mysterious and secretive tribes on the North American continent. You will come away with a deep appreciation of the way the Ancient Ones viewed the world above.

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