Later Iberian Medieval History
- Peaceful Cultural Osmosis no discernible upheavals
- 15th Century Conquest Canary Islands foreshadowing conquest of the Americas
- Disputes justice of treatment of the Natives foreshadowing 16th century discussions in America
- Portugal brought to Europe a knowledge of far off and strange peoples
- Disputes on treatment of natives Physical subjections and cruelties justified
- Of minor importance with benefits derived from conversion
- Waging war in Africa with full papal support
- Spaniards first to have Christian laws to govern relations with the Indians.
- America at first of little interest to Europe
- Feats of Spanish arms Mexico and Peru
- New possessions became better understood
- Historian Francisco Lopez de Gomara
- Spaniards and new world through Medieval Spectacles
- Columbus Terrestrial Paradise
- Fountain of Youth
- 7 enchanted cities established by 7 Portuguese bishops
Hispaniola Columbus landing in 1493
- Enquiries of monsters to be found there
Incredible booty sent back to Charles V (Emperor)
- by Ferdinand Cortez with letter recounting great deeds wrought in Mexico
- samples of giants bones found in Hispaniola
Spanish captains expecting to encounter many kinds of mythical beings:
- giants
- pygmies,
- dragons
- griffins
- white haired boys
- bearded ladies
- humans w/tails
- headless creatures with eyes on their stomachs
St Augustine in City of God
- Chapter "Whether the descendants of Adam or the Sons of Noah produced Monstrous races of Men"

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