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following books are recommended as they are based
upon valid research, sufficient facts, and dialogue to give an
understanding of the POW experience. In addition, we list those books
that specifically give an overview of an area, combat zone, or issue of
dispute. Each is a significant contribution to understanding the POW
and Internee experience and each has been read and verified for
accuracy. In addition, we recommend other books on individual camp web pages. These are books that faithfully describe the camp in question or the men directly affected by actions within those camps. If you wish to purchase a book, we strongly urge that you support your nearby booksellers or direct from the publisher. Books may often be previewable at Amazon and Google Books. Special: Books we consider a total waste of money. Writing your own memoirs? Do it right and hire a great editor. Dawn Marano is reasonable in cost and the best in the game. Looking for POW-related books in Japanese? Visit the POW Research Network Japan book page. |
relating to Guam
POWS Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Assocation - books on Allied POWs References Containing Information about Prisoners of War of the Japanese in World War II - ADBC site Books in Japanese - POW Research Network Japan (English website) Books about Internment Camps In Asia During WWII - Books about civilian internees and camps Recommended Reading - Linda Dahl's website Hall's Manila Bibliography (PDF) - great collection of over 500 titles (courtesy of Roderick Hall, one of the authors of Manila Memories; see also the Philippine Scouts website for this and other book updates) From Fukuoka Camp #1 website:
LA FORTE COLLECTION ADDITIONS (TXT file) Also view this search at for all books relating to POWs (ranked by latest publication date). A broader search here at Google Books.
"We are letting you know that my father's book is now published as an Ebook. This is his story as he wrote it upon his return to the US in 1945. What we did was to write around his story putting together pictures and family memories. I am glad that after 71 years it is finally out as the book he wanted it to be and is no longer sitting in my basement. It is a true piece of the American history of WWII in the Pacific theater and the experiences of our POWs." --Virginia Pursell-Meyer My Japanese Pow Diary Story by Tillman J. Rutledge (1997) ![]() A Child in the Midst of Battle by Evelyn Berg Empie and Stephen H. Mette - An amazing story of how non-interned civilians survived WWII in Manila, as told by a young girl who was there with her family. Here is a book that should be in every school library. The Barbed-Wire University: The Real Lives of Prisoners of War in the Second World War by Midge Gillies - Stories based on the experiences of POWs, what they really did and learned in camps, and how they survived the brutalities and horrors, in both Europe and the Far East. In Good Hands: The life of Dr Sam Stening, POW by Dr. Ian Pfennigwerth - "The remarkable story of Sam Stening – Royal Australian Navy doctor – who, as a prisoner of the Japanese, saved the lives of countless Allied servicemen... working with other American medical personnel striving to cut the POW death toll in three camps in Kyushu, including the dangerous shipyard on Kouyagi Island in Nagasaki." ***NEW EDITION COMING OUT FALL 2016*** “I’m Praying Hard for You,” Love Letters to a Death Camp: The World War II Ordeal of Bill and Jo Brenner by Linda McCaffery - Story of William Brenner, an Army doctor taken prisoner by the Japanese in the Philippines and eventually shipped to mainland Japan, to spend time at Fukuoka camps #6-D (Tanoura) and #25-B (Omuta).Very interesting history of related WWII events. We Volunteered by Timothy C. Ruse - A biography of Carl Ruse, survivor of the Bataan Death March, and POW at Camp O'Donnell, Cabanatuan, Davao Penal Colony, and Nagoya #5 Yokkaichi. Ghosts of Canopus: The War Diary of a Lucky Old Lady by Everett Perry - Details the history WWII’s USS Canopus (AS 9) and her crew as prisoners of war of the Japanese. 250 photographs and maps illustrate the journey of this ship and her crew as POWs of Japan. Each step in this heroic ship to prisoner of war story is fully covered including a roster of the 548 shipmates captured and held as POWs of Japan. Keep the Men Alive: Australian POW doctors in Japanese captivity by Rosalind Hearder - Story of 106 Australian medical officers who did an amazing job of keeping POWs alive. Good selection of photos, some showing the ingenious devices created to help patients. A Gordon Highlander if ever I saw one by William Ross Young and John Duff - True account of a young Gordon Highlander's experiences as a Japanese POW in Singapore, the Burma Siam Railway and Mainland Japan. Bataan Diary: An American Family in WWII, 1941-1945 by Chris Shaefer (2004) - Based on the diary of Lt. Col. Frank Loyd, a very well-written story of Americans who evaded or escaped capture by the Japanese in the Philippines and their activities with Filipino guerrillas. Beautifully interwoven with the diary and correspondence of Loyd's wife at home in the US. Tjideng Reunion by Boudewyn van Oort - Memoir of Java. In particular, story of South African Volunteers [Not read or reviewed]- See Essay by author Tears in The Darkness by Michael & Elizabethy M. Norman. Not particularly highly rated by ex POWs. All too many errors. "George McNab" by Brian Coutts. British POW rescued at Fukuoka #25. [Not read or reviewed] [August 2009] This is a fabluously detailed story of Merchant Marine Capt (Ret). George Duffy, captured when his ship, American Leader, was sunk by a German commerce raider. He was transferred to Japanese control and spent time in Java, Singapore and Sumatra. One of the rare books that tells of the experiences on the "Sumatra" Death Railway. Beatuifully written story of his youth, his years of education to become a merchant Marine officer and the years of experience before the war. This book is an absolute "must have" for historians of the Merchant Marine in the early war years.
The Ill-fated 27th Bombardment Group and the fight for the Western Pacific By Adrian R Martin and Larry W. Stephenson [Review] The Burma Railroad - The Drawings of Jack Chalker: The sample pages give you an idea of the depth of anguish suffered by the men who slaved for Japan on the infamous railroad. While not reviewed, we have seen numerous example of Jack Chalker's drawings and believe this should be part of any serious POW book collection. (Cover Image) Deadly December, The Battle of Hong Kong by Ronald C. Parker. A thorough review of the battle for Hong Kong from a Canadian perspective. Parker's father, Major Maurice A. Parker, was Commanding office of D Coy, Royal Rifles of Canada. The Canadian forces in Hong Kong were the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers. (Not reviewed) Remembered: The History of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission by Julie Summers. Thorough review by British historian Jonathan Moffatt. If I Get Out Alive, World War II Letters and Diaries of William H. McDougall Jr., by William H. McDougall, Jr, edited by Gary Topping (ISBN 978-0-87480-891-9). University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 2007; 336 pp., 6 x 9, 20 black & white photos. 'C' Force Decorations, Medals, Awards and Honours by Vincent Lopata The book documents the decorations, medals, awards and honours including citations given to soldiers of the Canadian Army that fought at the Battle of Hong Kong, December 1941. Following the battle they became Prisoners of War of the Japanese from January 1942 until August 1945. The Defining Years of the Dutch East Indies, 1942-1949. [Author Link] edited by Jan A. Krancher. Survivors' Accounts of Japanese Invasion and Enslavement of Europeans and the Revolution That Created Free Indonesia by Jan A. Krancher. Published by McFarland. 24 of 60+ interviews selected to present a picture of their internment and story of their efforts to survive, during and after the war. Krancher has done an excellent job, not just describing the horrors of Japanese internment but has researched in depth the long ignored period called "The Bersiap", the time when the Indonesian fought a war of terror against the Dutch. Here again, the terrorist of the Islamic world attacked and slaughtered innocent men, women and children to drive the Dutch from their midst. The parallels to day cannot be ignored. It is not history that repeats itself but human nature. Well done. Credit card orders: Call McFarland's toll free - 800-253-2187 or order through publisher's web site. Angel of the East Indies: Biography of the Van Dooremolen Family by Dino Fanara. Angel of the East Indies is a revelation of events during World War II that have missed the world's conscience-until now. Angel of the East Indies is an epic story of faith, romance and a Dutch families struggle to survive their P.O.W. internment during World War II. It is the story of Hendrika and Adolf Van Dooremolen. Comment by Center: Well done. She was interned in Java while he endured the Death Railway and eventual rescue at Fukuoka #21 Nakama POW Camp. The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru- Britain's Forgotten Wartime Tragedy [Publisher Link] by Tony Banham. Noted author and historian, Banham has again proven his literary talents. The horrors of the hell ship are seen through the eyes of the survivors. The Japanese hostility towards Europeans motivates their action to murder the prisoners- locking down the hatches and denying them a chance for rescue. A magnificent study of human nature at its best and worse. Captives of the Empire- [Publisher Link] The Japanese Internment of Allied Civilians in China 1941-1945. Every so often, a book is produced that simply "wraps up" the whole story. Japan interned and mistreated thousands of Allied civilians in the conquered areas of China. With years of research, editing and careful documentation, Dr. Greg P. Leck has produced the finest book ever written about civilian internees in China. Extensively illustrated, Leck has woven a masterpiece of history. Stories of joy, sadness, murder and horror from numerous former inmates creates a silken tapestry of the times. One senses the ordeals and thrumphs in exquisite detail. Includes a complete nominal roll of all internees. If you want one book about the China internee experience, this is an absolute "must have". Expensive but truly worth every penny. 1220 Days- [publisher link] The story of US Marine Edmond Babler and his experiences in Japanese Prisoner of War Camps during World War II. self published, Authorhouse, Bloomington IN, 2004. Fairly good narrative of Babler's experiences from capture on Carregidor to labor details at Palawam, McKinley Field, Nielsen Field, Zeblon Field, voyage on the Noto Maru and slave labor at Fukuoka Branch #5 Omine. Major error in description (not witnessed) of the massacre on Palawan. [] The Colonel of Tamarkan - [Author's Link] Philip Toosey and the Bridge on the River Kwai by Julie Summers. Simon & Shuster; See review by noted historian, Jonathan Moffatt. Angel On My Shoulder by Monument, Geoffrey - British soldier captured in Mayaya details his experiences including camps in Taiwan, Tokyo and Sendai #2 (Furukawa - Iwaki Coal Mine)- A simple book and a good read. [contact author] - I AM ALIVE by Jackson, Charles R. (Edited by B.H. Norton) - Marine captured on Corregidor and rescued at Kamioka. Triumphs And Tragedies- Corregidor and its aftermath by Baker, Arthur B. (As told to J. Carlile Baker) - Surprisingly well told story of POW taken to AOMI Mine on northern Honshu. Well written story with great detail regarding the Aomi Camp --which is rarely discussed. Books Reviewed and highly recommended: Captives of the Empire- [Publisher Link] The Japanese Internment of Allied Civilians in China 1941-1945. Every so often, a book is produced that simply "wraps up" the whole story. Japan interned and mistreated thousands of Allied civilians in the conquered areas of China. With years of research, editing and careful documentation, Dr. Greg P. Leck has produced the finest book ever written about civilian internees in China. Extensively illustrated, Leck has woven a masterpiece of history. Stories of joy, sadness, murder and horror from numerous former inmates creates a silken tapestry of the times. One senses the ordeals and thrumphs in exquisite detail. Includes a complete nominal roll of all internees. If you want one book about the China internee experience, this is an absolute "must have". Expensive but truly worth every penny. John Glusman, son of a Navy doctor captured on Corregidor, recounts the devotion and friendships of his father's ordeal and those of his three fellow Navy physicians. Each book, alone, is a literary masterpiece of Australian military POW experiences but together, a legacy that will last for centuries. If you had but one book to keep about the POW's ordeal, this is the single best. See FULL REVIEW Exerpt from another review: "This book is wonderful beyond description !!! It captivates so much that deserves to be said and circulated .... is so well written that I am spellbound by it's magical coverage. While reading and trying to memorize - I couldn't help but imagine my being able to get your permission (attributing your book as the source of some classic excerpts) to use them in future speeches to a variety of audiences!" [A second review-from FEPOW- worth reading] |
By: David D. Lowman, Former Special Asst to the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA). Athena Press,2001 [Publisher's Link] The real story of why the Americans of Japanese ancestry were interned during World War II. Analysis of intercepted messages reveals the link between Japan and their "citizens" in America, both in intelligence and finacial support. Draw your own conclusions but the facts speak loudly. |
"David D. Lowman draws upon declassified Army, Navy, and FBI reports to reveal the real reasons for the evacuation of Japanese-Americans, demonstrating that their relocation into camps was not the result of mere racism, war hysteria, or a lack of political will, but the result of superior military intelligence gathering. Magic is a unique and invaluable addition to the growing library of World War II materials for scholars and military buffs alike." MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW |
Death on the Hellships Prisoners at Sea in the Pacific War [FULL REVIEW] By Gregory F. Michno Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 2001 ISBN: 1-55750-482-2 Publisher Link This is the absolute best book ever written about the Hell Ships. Michno provides a scholarly work plus the most complete roster of ships ever compiled. see short list of major losses, sailing dates, destinations, numbers of prisoners and number of deaths. |
Four years as a civilian POW in Japan FULL REVIEW By James O. Thomas, Assistant Station Manager, Pan American Airways, Guam, December 1941. ISBN: 1401044131 Thomas traces the difficult and fearful lives of the civilians taken to Japan after Guam was seized, December 10, 1941. TOP |
Moon Over Malaya By Jonathan Moffatt & Audrey Holmes McCormick Tempus Publishing, Charleston SC, 2002 ISBN 07524 2114X Extraordinarily detailed story of the British Argylls and Marines in the Malayan campaign. Outnumbered and outgunned, they fought a unique series of actions culminating in surrender at Singapore. Experiences of work on the "Death Railway" and of numerous fellow prisoners captured from merchant ships. Detailed and extensive rosters. Publisher Link CLICK on cover for AMAZON.COM TOP |
errata and additions |
Honor POW Survival in the Philippines and Japan By Bob Wodnik Washington State Univ Press, Pullman, 2003 ISBN:0-87422-260-5 Publisher Link Interesting stories of eight men captured on Bataan and Corregidor, including pre-war experiences and slavery in Japan. The author, a journalist, leaves out critical descriptions of the actual POW camps. Stories jump back and forth erratically from the home front to the war. |
[Full Review] An Oral History of the Battle for Wake Island. Many interviews are interwoven to give an interesting narrative of the battle. [Full Review] Excellent narratives of the experiences of 13 residents and soldiers taken captive in the Netherlands East Indies. Over 100 rarely seen pictures. Pictures alone are worth the price of the bo |
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