The Mysterious Mary Magdalene.

Penitent Magdalene by artist Guido Reni, c. 1635,Walters Art Museum.
Mary Magdalene is to simply put it an enigma. She is one of the more fascinating characters or persons from the gospels. Her devotion to Christ is second to none, which might explain our fascination or affections towards her. She is I believe an incorruptible heroine of the faith and not the sinner and fallen women that she was portrayed as during the Middle Ages. I think it’s fair to say that we are cluey enough to realise that the attempts to sully her name were done for selfish and or chauvinistic purposes.
The following article is a very short study of Mary Magdalene accompanied by some of the more interesting historical paintings or interpretations of her. It is important to note that many of the great artists throughout the ages had rendered their own interpretations of her for dramatic or propaganda purposes. They were of course influenced by what was deemed an acceptable image by the church at the time, but that was not always the case. I have chosen only a handful for the purposes of this article.
Magdalene with the Smoking Flame by Georges de la Tour France, c.1638-1640.
The Magdalene with the Smoking Flame by Georges de la Tour is one of the most simplest, yet strikingly beautiful portraits of the beloved Mary Magdalene. A while ago it caught my attention because of its astute use of shadow and light. Our eye is drawn to the glow of the candle that lights up Magdalene’s pale face. She sits transfixed in a state of contemplation. The book of scripture, a scourge (whip) and the skull also add much to the intrigue of the scene. One or more of these elements are almost always present in depictions of Mary Magdalene. Of particular interest is the skull, which is sometimes said to emphasis Mary’s nostalgic longing for Christ. Is that why she rests her left hand to her face? Is she sad? In short, surely it is fair to say that she must have been very close to Jesus? She attains a prominent place in his last days, in which all the gospels point out.

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