Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Have you ever wanted to see a ufo?

Going to a retreat at a UFO hot spot catapulted our hometown group experience after our return. Worth a
vacation to go and meet new friends, expand your mind, see UFOs, and visit a new location! Locations
include places like: Mt. Shasta in Northern California, Joshua Tree in Southern California, Mt. Adams in
Washington state, Japan, New Zealand.
• ET Let's Talk - go to and click on “Events” to see if there are any upcoming
• Sirius Disclosure - go to and sign up for the email list.
• ECETI - go to to request a private invitation to visit James Gilliland’s ECETI
• Lyssa Royal Holt - go to to see upcoming retreats,
annually there is one in Japan in the summer.
• Rahma - go to You will need a basic understanding of Spanish.
• Rahma in LA - go to the “Mission Rahma” Facebook page or ask by word of mouth in LA.
• Gene Ang - go to to see events.
• CE-5 Aotearoa - go to to sign up for the email list.
• JCETI - go to (for Japanese speakers) or (for
English speakers) to see upcoming events.
Alternatively, instead of going to an official retreat, get in contact with groups in the area where you are
vacationing and join in on one of their upcoming CE-5s.
Running a group
This may very well be the most exciting time to be alive in all of earth’s history. What role will you choose
to play?
It doesn’t take a lot of time commitment to hold regular, monthly meetings. One night = 3 to 6 hours.
Emailing everyone to invite them would be maybe an hour or two a month including responding to
individual emails. Some start up stuff will require a few hours here and there at the outset: searching for
people to join you, choosing equipment if any, and finding the right chair. Any other time you invest is
optional and recreational: reading books, making time to meditate more, going on retreats, trying out new
equipment, etc. When you are rolling, you can easily keep it to 5 to 8 hours a month. That’s just 1% of
your awake hours for the month.

In our group, we hold monthly meetings throughout the year. Up in Canada we get some cold winters, so
if it dips below minus ten degrees Celsius we have potlucks and do indoor meditations to increase group
coherency and continue our very important internal growth. I send email invites out a week before events,
and after an event, I sometimes mail a report with a save-the-date notice for the next event.

You can choose any date to do a CE-5 event. Most people choose to align their CE-5 nights with one of
two worldwide networks:
• Sirius Disclosure - go to and scroll to the bottom to sign up for
the newsletter that will send reminders. They are always the first Saturday of the month, easy to
remember and plan for
• ETLet’sTalk - go to and go to Events to see what dates are coming up or get
on the email list by emailing Kosta at These dates are always the Saturday
closest to the new moon, to benefit from the dark sky. We align our monthly meetings with the ET
Let’s Talk schedule because we prefer having the sky as dark as possible
Picking a Location
CE-5 can be done indoors, in your backyard, at a park nearby, or out in a remote location. We’ve had
internal and external results at all these locations. People in our city have reported orbs floating out of
their backyards, daytime UFOs above traffic, and a tri-coloured light the size of a truck bouncing through
city neighbourhoods. It doesn’t really matter where you do CE-5; when you’re ready, they come to you.

That said, remote locations do tend to yield more sightings. Benefits also include that it’s darker, the sky
is stunning, you’re surrounded by quiet, nature and peace, you’re further away from flight paths of human
craft, and you can be loud when you’re hooting and hollering when you see a UFO. (I’m sure ET love to
see how excited we get!) When staking out your location, try to stay clear of power lines, cell towers, or
anything that might interfere with your electrical equipment or approaching ET craft.

You might also want to check to see if there are any energy ley lines, vortices or sacred spots in your area.
We have no way to know for sure whether or not being at a location like this contributes to a discernible
difference in sightings.
It may be that all the energy and excitement in planning and travelling is what
creates good outcomes. We are lucky to have a major Becker-Hagens grid node a few hours away—there
are not many on land in North America
. On our remote CE-5 there, some very interesting anomalous
environmental effects did take place, and as well, we captured many more energetic lights and orbs on
camera than we have at any other location.

Your First CE-5
So you’re going on your own or you’ve found a group of people! Wonderful. Here’s a quick run down of
how it might go. Remember, this is just a guide. If you know what you want to do, do that!
• Pick a date and time.
• Create a loose agenda of what you’ll be doing during the CE-5 event.
• Send out your invites and ask for an RSVP.
• Remind everyone to bring seriously warm clothes, sleeping bag, chair, flashlight.
In the days before the event, do one to three meditation sessions, either in a group physically
together or remotely at synchronized times. Meditation can also be done individually at any time if
this is more convenient. Set personal and group intentions for the CE-5 during these meditations.
• On the day of the CE-5, meet up and drive out or meet at the location.

• When you arrive, arrange your chairs in an inward-facing circle if the sky is clear in all directions.
Use a semi circle if there is one area that is overcast or has a mountain or trees in the way.

• Review the agenda to see if anyone has any requests, additions or changes. Create this experience
together as you go along—this doesn’t have to be perfect!

• Make a clear intention with the group.
• Do one eyes-closed meditation to really get in touch with one mind consciousness.
• Continue your agenda and amend as necessary. (See Sample Agendas section for ideas.)
Encourage people to speak up if they see or experience something—often people are shy to say
they’ve seen something because they barely believe they’ve seen it. Tell people to speak up even if
they’re not sure; in fact, it may be that someone else saw or experienced the same thing! Then, the
group can watch that portion of the sky to see if anything else will happen there.

• Keep in touch with the will of the group and the vibe—is everyone warm, still engaged, feeling
• Keep an attitude of thanksgiving for the experience and growth, even if you aren’t aware of
anything that happened or didn’t see anything. Based on our experiences, we believe that ET is
there even if you cannot perceive them, anticipating your growth with excitement!

• When you close the meeting, remember to ask for visitations in the dream state and also growth
and sightings that may happen in the days to come or even on the journey home.

• After the CE-5, you can send a report back to the larger group and if you like, upload a report to
one or several networking sites (Facebook, ETLet’sTalk).
We believe that if you faithfully adhere to the three key ingredients noted earlier (1. Connection to One
Mind Consciousness, 2. A Sincere Heart, 3. Clear Intention), you will have a sighting within six outings.

Getting to know your way around the sky helps us describe to each other where to look. Instead of “Hey
there’s something over there!” and pointing an unseen finger in the dark, we can say, “Look south of the
handle of the big dipper” or “North-northeast 30 degrees up from horizon.” Thank you to our anonymous
contributor for this elegant introduction to astronomy:

When you reach your field site, orient your group members to the cardinal (compass) directions, the basic
systems of measurement, and the location of some constellations, stars, and planets.

Point out north, east, south, west, and zenith (highest point directly above). Assign a landmark to
each, if possible. If no landmark exists, use a person in the circle.
• Estimate the ‘horizontal coordinates’ of the heavenly bodies using astronomy's system of ‘altitude
and azimuth.’
• ‘Altitude’ m
easures the angle of an object's apparent elevation (or curved height) on the celestial
sphere (the dome of the sky), relative to the observer (your group).

• 0° refers to the horizon on a level plain. 90° refers to the zenith. Thus, halfway upward from a flat
horizon to the sky's zenith would be 45°. A third would be 30°, two thirds would be 60°, etc.
• Many people find that their fist held at arm's length can approximate a space of 10°, or the distance
from thumb to pinky of stretched fingers can approximate 20°. Experiment with adding these
estimations from horizon to zenith to learn if these can help you. Or simply look up the known
altitude of objects in a chart or app.
• ‘Azimuth’ measures the cardinal directions (north, east, south, and west) on a scale from 0 to 360
degrees. But simply saying the English direction (e.g. “north-northeast") should suffice.

• Estimate the brightness of heavenly bodies using astronomy's system of ‘apparent magnitude.’
• The ‘magnitude’, or brightness, of stars was first catalogued by ancient Greeks on a scale of one
(for the brightest) through six (for the dimmest).

• In the nineteenth century, modern astronomers formalized the system on a logarithmic scale,
extended the scale below one and above six, and set Vega as its zero point (Vega being an
exceptionally bright star visible in the Northern Hemisphere for most of the year).
• The word "apparent" was added because it was by that time realized that brightness depends more
on a star's distance from the Earth. A separate measurement called ‘absolute magnitude’ describes
the brightness of each star if observed from a standard distance.

Examples of Apparent Magnitude
–5 Venus (max)
–3 Mars (max), Jupiter (max), Venus (min)
–2 Jupiter (min)
–1 Sirius
0 Arcturus, Capella, Procyon, Rigel, Saturn, Vega, Mercury (max)
1 Aldebaran, Altair, Antares, Betelgeuse, Deneb, Fomalhaut, Pollux, Regulus, Spica
2 Mars (min), Polaris
3 Andromeda galaxy
4 Chi Orionis
5 Mu Cassiopeiae, Xi Boötis
6 Mercury (min)
Give a quick tour of the most recognizable constellations, stars, and planets. If you're unfamiliar, consult a
chart or app, preferably a night or two beforehand. Consider subscribing to a weekly stargazing podcast,
or visit your local planetarium or astronomers' club. Http:// offers free downloadable
star maps every month. They can be easily downloaded and distributed to your contact team. You may be
surprised how familiar the patterns of the sky will become.

Keeping a log
If you like you can keep a log or write a summary during or after the event. Human memory is pretty frail,
and you may want to confirm who saw exactly what before your memory fades and/or changes what
happened. It is also nice to see trends in sightings as they increase. If time permits, some groups hold a
debriefing session immediately following the event (or the next day) in order to discuss the fieldwork and
share what was experienced while everything is still fresh in their heads. It might be a good idea to
digitally record the meeting, with a summary written up later and incorporated into the log
We keep our logs pretty casual. We write down some or all of the following:
• Time
• Who saw what
• Where it was
• Description of what it was

Sometimes we just log the highlights. If you log every alleged satellite or streaker you might get tired of
that if it’s a really active night. Then again, it might be great to count them all up later.
If you use paper, you can buy a “pilot’s pen” with a red light on the end which is a handy unobtrusive light
source for use in the dark. ~$5 each. Amazon.
Type on your phone. Put a red filter on your phone to preserve night vision. For an iPhone, follow these
For an Android phone, try the app “Twilight.”
A little digital voice recorder would also do the trick. Olympus makes some small ones that are popular.

“WHOM are we contacting?”
ETs? Celestial Beings? Spirits? Energetic entities?
Old paradigms would assume we are contacting physical aliens flying physical craft. This may be true:
Some ETs may be physical beings in the way we understand 3D reality. Now however, we can logically
deduce from the sightings, experiences and phenomena witnessed in the history of ufology that many if
not all ET have inter-dimensional capabilities. They may associate with, or even be non-physical beings or
spirit/source. Whatever the case, we know we are contacting benevolent beings who are predominantly
interested in humanity’s consciousness expansion and the most important thing they bring to our dialog
is love. How do we know this? Because our internal and external experiences have all been positive and
we do not “get” sightings unless we ourselves come from a place of love.

“What if you’re wrong?” If we are not communicating with benevolent entities of some sort, then the only
explanation for our experiences is that individually or as a group, humans have the ability to manifest into
reality what we want or what we expect. What would the meaning of it all be, if this is the case? That we
cannot manifest these incredible results without love, and that we are just figuring out our potential.
That’s just as cool.

1. Connection to One mind consciousness
You’ll need to connect to Source both in your daily life and during CE-5s. If leading a group, you’ll
encourage others to access the state of oneness with all that is. Here are some techniques to teach yourself
and others how to access Universal One:
• Start with an awareness of your own consciousness and spread it out from you, joining in with the
consciousness of everyone and everything near you... the grass, the trees, the others in your group,
people in neighbourhoods nearby, people driving on the roads. Allow your awareness to expand
into theirs and imagine what they are feeling and sensing as they go through their lives.
• Detach yourself from your individual consciousness. See yourself from a bird’s eye view. Be the
greater consciousness beyond the individual. Watch yourself from above. Name yourself: “There’s
Jason, sitting there with his group. He looks like he’s having fun!”
• Expand the boundary of who you are so far and wide that your whole body encapsulates the entire
universe. You are the universe. All the stars, galaxies, nebulae and planets all exist within your
arms, legs, torso and head. Visualize the activity of stars being born and dying, life on other
planets, the grand movements of solar systems... and include intergalactic space traffic!
• Know that there is no such thing as past and future. All is now. If all is now, and every moment is
happening simultaneously, AND if reincarnation is real, then would it not be possible that every
person you meet is a version of yourself living a different life? Imagine what it’s like to be the
other people in your group. Imagine when you gaze at them that you are looking into a mirror at
that very moment.
• Visualize yourself connected to all. Do invisible threads connect you from heart to heart? A cord at
your solar plexus? See the extension of yourself connecting with all other life forms in an
interconnected network of light.
• Hold in your mind the knowledge that energy never dies, that every action connects you to the
world and everyone around you. Think about the butterfly effect.
• Remember that if you did not exist, none of this could exist. Really. You are an integral part of
the whole.
• Know that you are part of God/Source/Cosmos/Universe/All That Is/Creator. What do you see
or feel looking through your own eyes, knowing that? How would it feel to be God (or etc.),
looking through your eyes?
• Just be. Get quiet and let any thoughts that arise simply float away. Breathe. Slip into the void,
appreciate and feel the love.It’s very helpful for your CE-5 practice to connect to one consciousness on a regular basis in order to
become more adept at accessing this state of mind. If you don't get the hang of these techniques, don’t
sweat it. We know some people who struggle with meditating and visualization, yet their kind, humble
and thankful spirits connect them to one mind consciousness in a steadfast way that perhaps eclipses
periodic, conscious intent.

2. A Sincere Heart
Approaching This
with a Loving Intention
Nothing to Prove

3. Clear Intention
Why are you doing this?
• To facilitate your growth
• To allow and receive healings
• To uplift humanity
• A diplomatic initiative
• To fuel yourself/give yourself hope
• To receive the gift of visual sightings
• Confirmation that we are not alone
• Documentation of evidence
• A request for cosmic intervention
• To show willingness and readiness for the next step of contact
• To move faster towards free energy devices and freedom for humanity
• To help stabilize and give harmony to the earth
• To put action towards making a better world for our children
• To have fun!
• Etc
Clarify your intention before you start, and clarify it as you go along. It may change as you change, either
during a CE-5 or through your daily life. You can have several intentions running at the same time.
Intentions During a CE-5:
As you start the CE-5, set the intention for the night with your group as part of your opening. You can go
around and ask people to share their unique intention, or you can ask a few volunteers to speak up and
provide a group intention that everyone can agree on.
During the contact work, you can also shift or add things as you go along. For example, if you have a
sighting of an alleged satellite, as a group, you can put your minds and hearts together and request that it
change direction or power-up, or for a craft to come closer. If clouds are in the way, you can try a cloud
busting activity together. Or you can ask for the mosquitos to go away or for the group to feel warmer.

You may want to do a group healing for someone there. Putting an intention out there as a group
amplifies the intention exponentially – to learn more about this, refer to the scientifically validated studies
done on how TM (transcendental meditation) reduces urban crime rates by up to 70%.

When you conclude your fieldwork, set some intentions for the time following the CE-5, reminding each
other to keep your eyes and other senses open for potential communication on the drive home, in the
dream state, and in the days that follow.

“What’s a Power-up?”
For a definition for this and other unfamiliar terms, check the glossary at the back.
Other Helpful Elements
The first three ingredients for contact are basic principles that come from Dr. Greer’s experience. Here are
some additional components to increase contact that come from our own know-how.
• Vibration
• Coherence and Cohesion
• Belief

Good, Good, Good, GOOD Vibrations
If we accept that the whole of reality operates along a vibrational hierarchy, with higher and lower
energetic densities, dimensions, or states of consciousness spanning a vast continuum, we recognize that
ETs, ascended masters, angelic beings, and other such entities occupy a vibrational realm higher than our

limited 3D material world. As they vibrate at a higher rate than us humans, they exist outside our natural
range of perception. In a way, we are blind to the vast portion of the cosmic wilderness. But we’re not
completely stuck. The good news is that we are also eternal multi-dimensional beings. If we can manage
to accelerate our own vibratory frequency,  endeavoring to elevate or match our own energetic vibrations
to that of the ETs, we stand a greater chance of actually seeing each other and making a real and tangible

Have you ever wanted to see a ufo?

It's simple. ​

This book will get you on the ground fast, with everything you need to know to help you see a UFO in six outings. There are three ingredients for contact:

1. Connection to One Mind Consciousness.
2. A Sincere Heart.
3. Clear Intent.

Any more questions? The answers are all here!
  • History of the UFO seekers movement
  • Tips and techniques
  • How to pick a location
  • How to navigate the night sky
  • Imperative information about laser pointers
  • Equipment and app recommendations
  • What communication is like
  • How to objectively discern sightings
  • Where you can find a UFO contact retreat
  • Links to social networks
  • Troubleshooting
  • Overcoming fears
  • Extensive glossary

Also included are meditations that you can read in the field, which come from experienced people all over the world. Dr. Greer's Vision of a New World will help you access feelings of universal peace and a sense of wonder for the positive changes to come to planet Earth. Kosta Makreas' Global CE-5 Initiative Meditation will cultivate coherence with people in your contact group and with other seekers the world over, fuelling your passion for this mission of peace and harmony. Or, read James Gilliland's Healing Negative Influences to clear your energy, shed negativity, and become more receptive to both external and intuitive contact.

The authors attest that if you follow the easy instructions in this handbook, you will have a sighting within six outings.

What is a ‘CE-5’?
‘CE-5’ is an acronym for: ‘Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind’​
A ‘Close Encounter’ is a term invented by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who studied Unidentified Flying Objects​
(UFOs) with the U.S. Air Force between the years of 1947 and 1969. The original Hynek Classification​
System of Close Encounters had three types, with subsequent researchers adding to the list. Close​
Encounters can be broadly divided into two groups:​
• The first four kinds of contact, CE-1, 2, 3 & 4, are all where an encounter with a UFO or​
Extraterrestrial (ET) is passive in nature; it is either accidental or indirect, or where ETs initiate​
the encounter. If it happens, it is often outside our control.​
• A CE-5 on the other hand, is where humans actively initiate contact, and where we sustain​
peaceful bi-lateral communication with ETs.​
“What does a CE-5 look like?” It could look like many things, but much of the time, a CE-5 is where one​
person or several people gather together to meditate and send a message to our ET friends. Internal and​
external messages are received back. CE-5s are most often done in the field under the stars to allow for​
multiple eyewitness sightings of UFOs.​
When Hynek commenced his study of UFOs, he was very skeptical. But as he studied the topic,​
he became convinced that not all UFOs could be explained away. By the end of his years of​
research he made this bold statement regarding Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (ETI) and​
Extradimensional Intelligence (EDI): “There is sufficient evidence to defend both.”
It’s our intention to provide an easy-to-follow and practical guidebook that
you can take with you into the field to make contact with our Star Family.​
Why make contact? You might be surprised to learn that the purpose of communicating with​
Extraterrestrials is not about getting a visual sighting or endeavouring to save the world. This​
extraordinary dialog is really about the gift of the expansion of your own consciousness.​
In this context, seeing craft or harnessing free energy is irrelevant! But, as a matter of course, these​
outcomes will naturally manifest as a by-product of our evolution.​
Each of you has your own unique path to finding the larger you. Pick and choose from amongst the​
techniques here, and may they spark your inspiration to create your own recipes for contact.​
We hope you enjoy creating abundant, exciting, and uplifting experiences with our ET friends.​
Consciousness expansion is fun.​
Have fun!

Sent from Outlook
CE-5 History
CE-5 contact protocols were co-created by Dr. Steven Greer and several extraterrestrials in 1973. The​
beings shared with Greer the importance of teaching this protocol to humans, which he started to do in​
earnest a few decades later. Human-initiated contact does exist outside the protocol that was imparted to​
him. Some examples:​
Throughout history, Shamans of indigenous cultures the world over have a fluid connection to ET.​
• On March 15, 1954, a group of seekers sent a telepathic message into space, designating the day as​
“World Contact Day.” They have held many sessions since, and attribute a spike in UFO sightings​
on that day to the event.​
• In the 60s groups of hippies in the US and the UK sent and received messages from ET.​
  • • In 1974, Sixto Paz Wells and the Peruvian group “Rahma" started sending and receiving​
  • communication, including inviting international press to confirm and report multiple-witness UFO​
  • sightings that were scheduled ahead of time.​
  • Dr. Greer founded the group CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) in 1990. Over​
many years, with Dr. Greer implementing and teaching the contact protocols through that group, and​
through Kosta Makreas' unifying organization “The People’s Disclosure Movement,” the name ‘CE-5’ has​
spread around the world. Many diverse groups make contact either inspired by CE-5 or in their own way.​
While no one knows exactly how many individuals or groups regularly participate in CE-5 around the​
world, it’s estimated to be in the thousands... and growing.​
The original protocol involves connection to one-mind consciousness and remote viewing to visualize​
vectoring in ET to your location to show them where you are. Tones that were recorded at other​
sightings/crop circles are played, and astronomy lasers and types of equipment are used. Dr. Greer would​
be the first person to say you don’t have to do CE-5 by his interpretation and design. Following someone​
else’s directions to a “T” has nothing to do with whether you will make contact or not. You’ll make​
contact when you’re ready, in your own way. The most important thing to take from this document is that​
the best protocol is discovered when you follow your own guidance and make it your own.
“WHOM are we contacting?”
ETs? Celestial Beings? Spirits? Energetic entities?​
Old paradigms would assume we are contacting physical aliens flying physical craft. This may be true:​
Some ETs may be physical beings in the way we understand 3D reality. Now however, we can logically​
deduce from the sightings, experiences and phenomena witnessed in the history of ufology that many if​
not all ET have inter-dimensional capabilities. They may associate with, or even be non-physical beings or​
spirit/source. Whatever the case, we know we are contacting benevolent beings who are predominantly​
interested in humanity’s consciousness expansion and the most important thing they bring to our dialog​
is love. How do we know this? Because our internal and external experiences have all been positive and​
we do not “get” sightings unless we ourselves come from a place of love.​
“What if you’re wrong?” If we are not communicating with benevolent entities of some sort, then the only​
explanation for our experiences is that individually or as a group, humans have the ability to manifest into​
reality what we want or what we expect. What would the meaning of it all be, if this is the case? That we​
cannot manifest these incredible results without love, and that we are just figuring out our potential.​
That’s just as cool.
Our Calgary CE-5 Story:
In 2013 a friend and I watched the documentary Sirius. We were so excited we formed a CE-5 group. Our​
first time out was a summer day with a clear blue sky save for one small bunch of clouds which I pointed​
out to the group: “Doesn’t that look like the word ‘Hi’?” We all laughed and went back to our meditation.​
We should have taken a picture! I now believe that was a subtle welcome from our star friends. For three​
years we had internal experiences. Sometimes an individual would see some anomalous phenomena. We​
were frustrated that we weren’t having multiple witness sightings. Then a few of us went down to Mt.​
Shasta to a retreat put on by the inimitable and wonderful Kosta Makreas. What an astonishing contact​
experience! When we returned, we knew better what to look for in the skies above. Since then, the last​
year has been a wonderful showing of: (in order of increasing un-deniability)​
• Many ‘alleged meteorites.’ (The main anomaly of these being the large numbers of them, especially​
given that our nights are not on meteor shower nights.)​
• Many ‘alleged satellites.’ Some of these twinkle, flash, and/or flare.​
• Anomalous shimmering colours in the Pleiades star cluster.​
• A light brighter than a planet, which appeared through a cloud—when the cloud dissipated, the​
light was gone.​
• Multitudes of flashbulbs, and sets of flashbulbs. (Small flashes of light like a camera flash—refer to​
the glossary for other new terms.) Twice we observed over 50 in a row traversing across the sky.​
• Four very bright low flying lights, one low enough to pass though and illuminate a cloud. (We​
watched them both slow down to an almost stop at the edge of the horizon.)​
• A large orb that slowly floated down from the sky like a feather falling to the ground.​
• A very bright light that moved, stopped, moved, stopped again and then zipped away.​
We’re really excited to see what’s next. Those three​
dry years were necessary for us—we had a lot of​
growing to do before we were ready to have visual​
sightings. Do not think that it will take that long for​
you to see something! As of late, sightings have been​
more frequent and easier to access. Now people who​
find us have sightings on their first night in the field.​
If you implement the recommendations in this​
workbook, we believe you will have a sighting within​
six outings.​
Cielia and the Calgary CE-5 Group
Key Elements:
Whether you follow the original CSETI protocols is up to you.​
Whatever you do, there are three key elements that are required to make contact:​
1. Connection to One-Mind Consciousness​
2. A Sincere Heart​
3. Clear Intention​
1. Connection to One mind consciousness​
You’ll need to connect to Source both in your daily life and during CE-5s. If leading a group, you’ll​
encourage others to access the state of oneness with all that is. Here are some techniques to teach yourself​
and others how to access Universal One:​
Start with an awareness of your own consciousness and spread it out from you, joining in with the​
consciousness of everyone and everything near you... the grass, the trees, the others in your group,​
people in neighbourhoods nearby, people driving on the roads. Allow your awareness to expand​
into theirs and imagine what they are feeling and sensing as they go through their lives.​
Detach yourself from your individual consciousness. See yourself from a bird’s eye view. Be the​
greater consciousness beyond the individual. Watch yourself from above. Name yourself: “There’s​
Jason, sitting there with his group. He looks like he’s having fun!”​
• Expand the boundary of who you are so far and wide that your whole body encapsulates the entire​
universe. You are the universe. All the stars, galaxies, nebulae and planets all exist within your​
arms, legs, torso and head. Visualize the activity of stars being born and dying, life on other​
planets, the grand movements of solar systems... and include intergalactic space traffic!​
• Know that there is no such thing as past and future. All is now. If all is now, and every moment is​
happening simultaneously, AND if reincarnation is real, then would it not be possible that every​
person you meet is a version of yourself living a different life? Imagine what it’s like to be the​
other people in your group. Imagine when you gaze at them that you are looking into a mirror at​
that very moment.​
• Visualize yourself connected to all. Do invisible threads connect you from heart to heart? A cord at​
your solar plexus? See the extension of yourself connecting with all other life forms in an​
interconnected network of light.​
• Hold in your mind the knowledge that energy never dies, that every action connects you to the​
world and everyone around you. Think about the butterfly effect.
Remember that if you did not exist, none of this could exist. Really. You are an integral part of
the whole.​
• Know that you are part of God/Source/Cosmos/Universe/All That Is/Creator. What do you see​
or feel looking through your own eyes, knowing that? How would it feel to be God (or etc.),​
looking through your eyes?​
• Just be. Get quiet and let any thoughts that arise simply float away. Breathe. Slip into the void,​
appreciate and feel the love.
It’s very helpful for your CE-5 practice to connect to one consciousness on a regular basis in order to
become more adept at accessing this state of mind. If you don't get the hang of these techniques, don’t​
sweat it. We know some people who struggle with meditating and visualization, yet their kind, humble​
and thankful spirits connect them to one mind consciousness in a steadfast way that perhaps eclipses​
periodic, conscious intent2. 

A Sincere Heart.

Approaching This
with a Loving Intention​
Nothing to Prove​
3. Clear Intention
Why are you doing this?​
• To facilitate your growth​
• To allow and receive healings​
• To uplift humanity​
• A diplomatic initiative​
• To fuel yourself/give yourself hope​
• To receive the gift of visual sightings​
• Confirmation that we are not alone​
• Documentation of evidence​
• A request for cosmic intervention​
• To show willingness and readiness for the next step of contact​
• To move faster towards free energy devices and freedom for humanity​
• To help stabilize and give harmony to the earth​
• To put action towards making a better world for our children​
• To have fun!​
• Etc.
Clarify your intention before you start, and clarify it as you go along. It may change as you change, either
during a CE-5 or through your daily life. You can have several intentions running at the same time.​
Intentions During a CE-5:​
As you start the CE-5, set the intention for the night with your group as part of your opening. You can go​
around and ask people to share their unique intention, or you can ask a few volunteers to speak up and​
provide a group intention that everyone can agree on.​
During the contact work, you can also shift or add things as you go along. For example, if you have a​
sighting of an alleged satellite, as a group, you can put your minds and hearts together and request that it​
change direction or power-up, or for a craft to come closer. If clouds are in the way, you can try a cloud​
busting activity together. Or you can ask for the mosquitos to go away or for the group to feel warmer.​
You may want to do a group healing for someone there. Putting an intention out there as a group​
amplifies the intention exponentially – to learn more about this, refer to the scientifically validated studies​
done on how TM (transcendental meditation) reduces urban crime rates by up to 70%.​
When you conclude your fieldwork, set some intentions for the time following the CE-5, reminding each​
other to keep your eyes and other senses open for potential communication on the drive home, in the​
dream state, and in the days that follow.
“What’s a Power-up?”
For a definition for this and other unfamiliar terms, check the glossary at the back.
Other Helpful Elements
The first three ingredients for contact are basic principles that come from Dr. Greer’s experience. Here are​
some additional components to increase contact that come from our own know-how.​
• Vibration​
• Coherence and Cohesion​
• Belief
Good, Good, Good, GOOD Vibrations
If we accept that the whole of reality operates along a vibrational hierarchy, with higher and lower​
energetic densities, dimensions, or states of consciousness spanning a vast continuum, we recognize that​
ETs, ascended masters, angelic beings, and other such entities occupy a vibrational realm higher than our​
limited 3D material world. As they vibrate at a higher rate than us humans, they exist outside our natural​
range of perception. In a way, we are blind to the vast portion of the cosmic wilderness. But we’re not​
completely stuck. The good news is that we are also eternal multi-dimensional beings. If we can manage​
to accelerate our own vibratory frequency, endeavouring to elevate or match our own energetic vibrations​
to that of the ETs, we stand a greater chance of actually seeing each other and making a real and tangible​
connection. Lyssa Royal Holt refers to this desirable state as “the common ground.”
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“The use or possession of alcohol, drugs or weapons in the context of CE-5 is generally
discouraged. Just as you would not use or take drugs or weapons to a high-level diplomatic
meeting at the U.N., you would not take or use them at a contact event involving interstellar
guests. As ambassadors to the universe, a clear sense of decorum, good manners, respect, and
basic professionalism all need to be observed if one’s intended goal is establishing contact and
communication. Realize that ETs will be able to remotely scan your group and immediately know
if anyone is intoxicated or ‘high’ or a potential danger or threat. Those ‘under the influence’ will
naturally lose a certain degree of self-control–physically, mentally, emotionally−and with safety in
mind, you can be pretty sure that the ETs will not approach, at least not too closely. And if the
goal of contact work is sharing and disclosing your amazing otherworldly experiences and
adventures to friends, family, or the public, just how credible will you sound if you or others were
intoxicated or tripping out at the time? As citizen diplomats, we ought to do everything we can to
create a positive, welcoming, and safe space for our galactic visitors. This means entering the field
fully aware, alert, sober and weapon-free. And from a purely vibrational perspective, drugs will
likely mess up your energy field and lower frequency, and this could make you a target for negative
or service-to-self entities. That’s one reason why James Gilliland forbids drugs of any kind at his
I agree with Mark. We’ve never had anyone attracted to our group who partakes in intoxicants during
contact. (As far as I know!) I can’t imagine it being helpful in any spiritual or scientific matters. Perhaps
an exception would be if you are using a substance in a sacred way, as medicine, and/or a shaman is
overseeing you. As a bit of an anarchist, I say, “Chacun son gout.” (“To each his own” à la high school
French.) In your own life experiment you will discover if intoxicants are helpful or obstructing when
making contact/expanding your consciousness. As the leader, you may choose if you will allow it or not.
As far as weapons go, Canada is pretty much gun free, comparatively, so I can’t even begin to imagine
anyone bringing one to a CE-5!
A major barrier to sightings is our dependence on physical proof. Different sources tell us over and over
that we create our own reality and that our inner world must transform before we see external results.
UFO sightings are a perfect example of this. For the most part, one’s level of belief is highly correlated
with how many “proofs” a person gets. It’s a funny life paradox. Everything flows to you when you don’t
even need it anymore. Ha ha. Funny right?

A belief is just a thought you keep having over and over. Try these:
• It could be possible
• The world/reality/I might be much more than what we were taught
We are evolving and the future is unknown
• Others have seen UFOs
• I might see a UFO
You may hear about the odd person who has a big sighting and who is still very skeptical. Their role as a
skeptical witness has its own unique purpose in the disclosure process.
Another scenario is that sometimes people get initiated with a stunning encounter that is purposefully
designed to get them moving in this direction. That can be very frustrating if they aren’t ready to receive
communication consistently. They then have to join the rest of us as we raise our vibration and do the
basic work of releasing our grip on conventional reality and our limited ideas about ourselves.

If you are skeptical and experimenting with this then you may want to have a few people join you who are
so deep in belief that you question their sanity. Foster your relationship with them: they are magnets for
sightings. Keep being scientific, but don’t miss out on having these endearing and lovely people with you.
Plus, being tolerant of different paradigms is good for your growth. As you consort with them, stay true to
your own paradigm and trust your own judgment.

“I’m noticing some nutty stuff in here. Do I have to believe in chakras, vortexes or crystals? I want to believe
in UFOs, not New Age stuff.”
Of course you don’t have to wear tie-dye and chant mantras to expand your consciousness/have sightings.
However, if you are more science minded, be forewarned that some of this document will not resonate for
you. The CE-5 world is naturally spiritually themed. Take what works for you and discard the rest.
Remember, human initiated ET contact is comprised of three ingredients: 1. Connection to One Mind
Consciousness, 2. A Sincere Heart, and 3. Clear Intention.

“The day that I stop having doubts is the day that I become dangerous.”
—Neale Donald Walsch
Tip: Trading stories during a CE-5 is a great tool for solidifying belief. It puts you in the right
headspace for contact. Playing crop circles tones before the event as according to original CE-5
protocol is also helpful, reminding us that there are a lot of unexplainable phenomena out there
that have been witnessed by many and recorded for study. You can find the tones on the ET
Contact Tool App or on YouTube (which you can then convert to mp3:

Now that you know the ingredients necessary for contact, you’re ready to get rolling.
You can do CE-5 by yourself or in a group. Group size varies greatly: most around the world that regularly
meet are usually between 1 and 10. We have 30 people on our email list, and usually get 7 to 9 people at
any one time. If there is a special guest from someone out of town we might gather 30 or 40. I have
attended a CE-5 lecture that resulted in sightings where the group size was about 500. So, any number
will do.
There are a lot of excited people out there who would love to connect with you. Some people feel really
isolated and can’t wait to meet you and tell you all about how they came to their current worldview. It’s
wonderful to meet with like-minds and heart-mates in a world as diverse as it is today!
People who are skeptical can be wonderful additions. A true scientist is skeptical AND open-minded. A
real skeptic is skeptical of everything including his or her own lens of reality. He or she embraces the
scientific process and is ready to discard old paradigms when appropriate.

People you think are right out there in la la land may make you nuts. Accept that it is possible that they
might be correct and never discount anyone’s perspective or beliefs. Even if you are 99.9% sure they do
not have a grasp on ultimate reality, they absolutely have a grasp on theirs. Everyone is entitled to their
own reality.
If someone has BIG fears of ET or they’re HYPER-skeptical they have some work to do before you allow
them to go on special outings with the group. We have never had someone extremely resistant to CE-5 try
to join us. We have found that a negatively inclined person or two attending a CE-5 does not necessarily
interfere with the rest of the group having a good experience. People will have individual sightings or
sightings intended for just a few. It is important though that the rest of the group be vibrationally strong
enough to out power a few negative vibes. The best nights we’ve had
were like parties—as long as you have more “life of the party”
types than “party poopers” you’ll be okay. A
s the leader, if you
cannot hold your own energy strong in the face of
grumpiness or judgment, then you must exclude negatrons
until you can effectively ignore lower vibes. Bless these
people. Often these people secretly want this
phenomenon to be real so badly that they cannot risk
opening up. The prospect of being fooled and/or
having their hopes dashed is terrifying.

Try not to exclude anyone if you can. Inclusion helps
them and you.
If you are very keen to have stellar
sightings with a very coherent core group, make it a
special outing of invites only, so that nobody feels
excluded at core monthly meetings.

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